Chapter 5- Home alone with Stan..

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Readers Pov:

You woke up at 6 am which was early as hell for you since it's Saturday. You hear a bunch of screaming going on down stairs you get pissed off because it's your only day to sleep since you have church at 7 am tomorrow.

"Stan what the fuck are you doing! Do you have any idea what time it is!?" You ask extremely pissed off.

"Oh hey guys (Y/N) is finally up!" He cheers happily to his stupid xbox friends.

"Stan who the fuck are you talking to and where's uncle Randy and aunt Sharon?" You ask still annoyed.

"Kenny and Kyle and out with shelly" He answers while playing GTA.

"Why are they out with shelly what the fuck is this?" You ask pretty mad because they forget all about you and Stan.

"Relax, There just spending time with her next weekend they will spend time with me but your stuck with me until 12 AM" He says giggling while stealing a car.

"Oh goody, Did you make breakfast or do I have to do it?" You ask rolling your eyes.

"Um if you want breakfast make it yourself" He said getting angry.

"Shut the fuck up Stan don't be a whiny bitch because Kenny and Kyle aren't doing what you want them to do" You say going into the kitchen.

All you hear  after walking into the kitchen was Kyle and Kenny saying "Oh roasted!" Stan looked humiliated. You felt bad but it was the truth. You thought about making you  and Stan waffles so you did. You then called Stan into the kitchen.

"These waffles are delicious!" He said happily.

"Thank god, You know I take cooking classes right?" You smile.

"Why cause your training to be someone's bitch someday?" He laughed choking on his waffle.

"No because I like cooking, Choke on your god damn waffle some more maybe you'll die" You make an evil laugh.

"So about Wendy look I'm really sorry" He said giving me his deepest apology.

"Look Stan, What Wendy did had nothing to do with you. You didn't make her attack me she brought that onto herself" You say ripping of his hat and rubbing through his hair.

"So do you really want me to die?" Stan looked at me upset.

"Dude fucking chill I was ripping on you of course not your my favorite cousin" You smile at him.

"Well I broke up with Wendy by the way" Stan said looking down at the ground kinda upset.

"You didn't have to do that" You say.

"Yes I did, She made you afraid of the school and afraid of everything your my cousin and I care more about you then her" He stated and smile at you you two hugged it was a cousin moment.

You cleaned up the kitchen and went up into your room and texted kyle for a while and also Stan taught you how to play GTA it was kinda a lazy day. But it was a good day.

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