Chapter 9- Is Stan back with Wendy?!

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Readers pov:  Today you sadly had to go back to school and  you honestly didn't want to. You didn't want to see anybody you just wanted to be alone in your room because everybody annoyed you. You were putting on your mascara trying to hurry up so Stan didn't have a hissy fit.

"Come on (Y/N) I want to go to school!" Stan yelled to you from his room.

"You actually want to school? Are you ok? Your not sick are you?" You go to his room now doing your makeup in his room.

"Yes I'm fine  don't do your makeup in my room why are you even wearing makeup I told you,  You don't need it." Stan says rolling his eyes getting very annoyed now.

"It's  a female thing you wouldn't understand" You reply as your applying on your lipstick (It's a jersey thing reference xD)

"Can you please just hurry up" Stan says rolling his eyes once again.

"Ok well I'm done so lets go" You smile in thought of Kyle.

As you walk to the bus stop You scroll through instagram nothing interesting except you see a picture on Wendy's instagram saying

As you walk to the bus stop You scroll through instagram nothing interesting except you see a picture on Wendy's instagram saying

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"Stan I'm so glad were back together I missed you my little baby I love you so much!"

Then you got pissed off but you got to the bus stop and saw Kyle.

"Oh my god Kyley-B!" You run into his arms.

"Hey that's my Jersey name I don't like being called that" He says as he kisses your forehead.

"It's cute though" You look up at him and smile.

"If you love it then I love it" He brings you into a kiss.

"Hey if you two could get a room that would be great" Cartman snaps at you two.

"Shut up fat ass your just jealous because Heidi broke up with you" Kyle laughs as he holds you in his arms.

Everybody laughs even you.

Then the bus arrives and you and Kyle sit together.

"Kyle did you check instagram yet?" You look at him as he's looking out the window.

"No why?" He looks at you now.

"Wendy posted this earlier this morning" You said as you showed him the picture.

"No this can't be" He said reading the caption and looking at the picture about a million times.

"Well I think Stan got back together with Wendy" You say feeling very hurt.

"Hey babe It's ok I don't think Stan would do that to you" He says letting your head fall on his shoulder seeing how hurt you are.

"I don't know if this is Wendy's doing or It's actually true" You say still upset as Kyle rubs up and down your back.

"I'll tell you what I'll talk to Stan when we get to school about this ok? He's my best friend he wouldn't lie to me" He says smiling at you.

"Ok" You smile back he kisses your forehead.

Just then you arrive at school and see Wendy talking to Bebe you couldn't separate them they were best friends. You walk over to Wendy.

"Hi Wendy can I talk to you alone for a minute?" You ask nicely.

"Sure" She smiles at you as you walk someone private.

"What the hell is this all about?" You show her the picture and get pissed off.

"Oh didn't you hear me and Stan are back together" She smiles.

"No I didn't I told you to stay away from him" You say getting angry.

"You did but I didn't listen we love each other and I will not let you ruin this for me" She says getting closer to you.

"Stan doesn't need you just leave him alone before I make you" You say pushing her away.

"What the hell are you going to do about it?" She questions you.

You then punch her in the nose and it starts running with blood. She then tries to punch you in the face but you duck so you punch her in the eye and give her a black eye she punches you in the nose you forget to duck and she kicks you in the stomach three times you can't get up and she spits on you and leaves.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok what happened baby" Kyle says as he brings you into a hug seeing you crying.

"Wendy happened Stan and her are back together" You cry from all the pain and feeling betrayed Stan would get back together with her.

"Its ok don't cry" He says as he rubs through your hair and holds you.

"(Y/N) Are you alright?" Stan walks over to you and Kyle.

"Stan just go away" You say wiping the tears from your eyes.

"What did I do?" He says very confused.

"You got back with Wendy after what she did to me so just stay the fuck away from me I did so much for you and this is the way you treat me I fucking hate you!" You run away from him and go into the girls bathroom and cry.

"I can't believe you Stan why would you do this to her" Kyle says very pissed off at him.

"Dude what is she talking about I didn't get back with Wendy I fucking hate her" Stan says confused.

"You obviously didn't see instagram" Kyle shows him the picture.

"That fucking bitch! Why would she do that!" Stan says angry as hell.

"I don't know but you really hurt (Y/N) you better explain to her that you and Wendy aren't together" Kyle says shutting off his phone.

"I will but first I have to take care of this stupid fucking ugly whore" Stan says very angry.

"Oh god" Kyle face palms.

Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I would have made it sooner but my computer wasn't working and I don't like typing up chapters on my phone or tablet so! I think I am going to make this book 15 chapters so there are 5 chapters left then I'm going to make a Stan x reader so stay tuned for that and yeah I will type up chapter 10 as soon as I have time so not today. Tell me what you thought of the chapter and what do you think Stan is going to do ok well  bye love you guys! <3

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