13. Home Sweet Abandoned Home

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Without even opening my eyes I could feel as if I was in an ancient place. Somewhere where I wasn't alone. I had someone who understood me who had stood where my feet were planted now. The energy of this place waved around me. It was old and new all in one. There was someone here, or had been. It felt as if she was protecting me, guiding me. Then there was that sense that someone was physically with me. No doubt the person who had sent me here. Opening my eyes I faced the small pond that was overcast by a large tree. The oak was large, Its branches and leaves blocking bits of the night sky. This place had a  a woven in century old peacefulness to it. From the moment I felt myself shift here, the feeling had embedded itself into me.

Come to find out my uncle had an addiction for demon blood. From there I was given bits and pieces of the entire story. It only added to, and made sense of things I saw when I first met the Winchester brothers. But some of what I had seen still confused me.

My breath floated into the sky. My mind thought of how my father must be panicking since I had dissapeared. But then again with the apocalypse so close, maybe he wasn't. He had so much on his hands, so much stress. He hardly had even given me a glance. Then again I had been silent the entire time at Bobby's, now there was one less thing for them to worry about. He had even missed my own birthday caught up in all this apocalypse stuff. But who was I kidding? I had too. I felt much older than thirteen.

     "Zachariah and Castiel must have shipped him off to a safe room somewhere by now." The all too familiar voice came to me. The very voice that talked me through my nightmares and turned them into better dreams. An angel who had stood over my crib since I was tiny. Someone, who had taught me quite a bit of what I knew. Including trickery. Gabriel. I looked over to him. He stared up at the star dotted sky. Next thing I knew Gabe was next to me, his golden eyes looking into my green ones. He always seemed like my watchful, protector. My older brother. That and this feeling like a protector was always around. But that one I could never figure out.
     "This place.. It feels so... so powerful.." I spoke.
     "As it should." I sensed there was something he wasn't telling me.
     "There is more to this story of yours."
     "And it is not mine to tell." With a small huff I left it well alone. I could tell there was a more important matter at hand.
     "You brought me here to look at more than just stars." With a blink we had shifted within this little paradise. Now we were standing in front of two crosses. A few new flowers were beginning to form after I stepped closer to them. Two white flowers had overgrown over them, making the names hard to read. The flowers were almost seeming like they were dying. Brushing the fading green almost vines, I saw it then. Two names, and a board connected the two, telling the last name.
The first one read: Sara
The second: James
Below: Van Halen

My eyes widened at the sight of it. Making a move to back up, I ended up on my butt. These two. They were my grandparents.
My eyes turned slight blue as I reached out once more. Standing, Gabriel and I started walking to the house. The two flowers glowed in the moonlight with flickers of new life. They had been there for more than fifteen years. Just by touch I knew. Mom had grown them herself, with her own power.

From the moment my hand grazed the wood of the old house I could feel all of what had happened inside. The life that was given. Life that was ended. So much in between. Just standing under the whole in the floor, moonlight cascading in from the bedroom window, it felt as if this was where part of my history lies. That there were secrets behind these walls. This was where a story began, and without it another wouldn't have been written. My eyes shone with understanding I quite didn't find, but something within me did.

Then I was ripped from it all. Taken someplace raw and new.
     "Aw there you are." My hair stood on end the moment Zachariah's breath poisoned the air.
"I was wondering when that would work."
     "Zachariah." I growled.
     "That's my name! Please don't wear it out." He was too cheery for the occasion.
Who the hell would be this peppy when the apocalypse was practically at the doorstep, breaking down the door? Not any logical person in their right mind. Then again, I always wondered how much of a mind Zachariah did have.
"Hey. Don't get touchy. I just need a mere thing to entertain me while your father runs around with Castiel. Silly of them to think they can stop the apocalypse." Zachariah made a tsking noise.
     "What do you mean?" I gave him a weary look.
     "But I thought you didn't care." Zachariah's grinned widened.

With the snap of his fingers I was tossed onto a dirt road. Tumbling, I rolled into the brush. That was when a bright light shot up into the sky from far away. Wherever it came from, I could hear the boom from where I was. I knew it wasn't good. Pushing myself up, my eyes landed on the cabin. The road, was actually a driveway. As I walked down it my mind played what possibly happened. The impala rolling down the drive. Peaking inside the truck I tried to determine who's place this was. Or better yet, where I was. South Dakota plates answered part of my question.
Soon I found myself climbing the stairs. I tried knocking, but the door creaked open when my knuckles met the wood. So I stepped inside, taking a look around. Like someone had a long time ago. Two people had went in and out of that door together. Something made me feel uneasy about this place. As I moved more inside I found the place to be a wreck. Furniture tipped over, glass shattered onto the floor. I could hear laughter in my head as a happy couple moved about the place. My eyes turned blue as I saw the house's younger version. The cry of a baby, short but there. The very same child's innocent and curious squawking sounds. The visitors this cabin has had. I picked up a broken picture frame. The picture was torn inside. That was when I heard it.
     "Malia! Malia sweetheart. I'm back." I knew that voice. But it was much younger.
Dad, I thought.
I stiffened as I entered the nursery. A hellhound was sitting in the corner of the room. When her eyes met mine I jumped back. She stood, but made no threatening movements towards me. Then she disappeared.
The arm I had used to shield me went down as my breathing slowly evened. My back still set against the wall as I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes.
This was the house I sort of grew up in. Something... something had happened to mom. She was taken. By who and what I still didn't know.
The morning light slowly seeped into the windows, hitting the hallways that led to the kitchen, the very one I hadn't moved from. All I wanted to be at the moment, was with my father. I thought hard about it, before I felt myself shift.

The apocalypse had started. I knew that much to be true as I came to the new place. Opening my eyes, I found I was seeing my father right as he turned around. He and Sam had unsure expressions.
     "I hope so." I mutter. Next thing I knew I was pressed up against my father with his arms around me.
     "Why do you keep disappearing?" Dean mumbled into my hair before he suddenly kissed it. I was weirded out for a second at the sudden display of affection.
     "If I fully knew, it wouldn't be happening." I told as he backed away. That was when Sam pulled me to him.
     "Hiya Sammy." I smiled awkwardly, before sitting on the edge of a bed. "What's up with the hugs? You two nearly die or something?" I had meant it as a joke.
     "Nearly is an understatement." Dean spoke under his breath as he sat near me.
That was when there was a knock at the door. We all raised our eyebrows, before Sam answered.
     "Oh my gosh! It really is you Sam!" I heard the squeal. Instantly I wanted to shoot myself. The door widened, then closed behind the blonde girl. "Oh.. and Dean. You look different than what I imagined." Then her eyes landed on me. She started jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh." She blurted all in one breath. "Angel!" I cringed at the name. Only one person called me that, and currently he was out of his cage. Once again, a set of arms wrapped around me. "You're so cute and adorable! And I could just love you forever!" My hand was moving to my pocket to find my knife but Dean's look caused me to stop. In my own defence, my eyes turned slight blue.
'Get off me.' The demand was sent to her mind.
     The girl squealed and let me go. "Just like the book! Ooooohh." She pinched my cheeks and I jerked away.
     "Who are you?"
     "Becky Rosen." She answered right away. She looked like she wanted to throw herself at Sam. "I have an important message from Chuck. The angels have lost Michael's sword and have to find it. He said it'd be at a castle on a hill of 42 dogs." We all looked confused other than Becky. I hated this girl since the moment she stepped in. Now we were left to figure out this new amazing hint.

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Until the next chapter!

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