chapter four // old friends

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Previously in Love Hate:

"Rosie?" a soft, small, and familiar voice says from behind me.

Rose's POV:

I slowly turn around, not sure if I am imagining it or not. There she is. A little girl around seven years old with light brown wavy hair, sparkling brown eyes, and in a pink t-shirt and jeans with glittery pink shoes.

Here she is. My little cousin Cammyla. The one who I love so much. The one who would always make my day better. And the one who's house I went to after the outbreak, but didn't find her.

"Rosie!" she exclaims happily, throwing her arms up and running towards me. I drop my bow and pick her up, holding her close to me and spinning her around. Her small arms wrap around my neck and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Cammyla. Oh, Cammyla! I missed you so so much!" I say as a tears of happiness leak out of my eyes.

"We found you, Rosie!" she says, lifting her head off of my shoulder and looking into my eyes with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, you did," I say. "Wait, what do you mean 'we' found you? Who else is with you?" I ask, confused.

Just then, I hear several footsteps and a voice yell, "Cammyla! Cammyla, where are you?" Wait, I know that voice.

"I'm here, Lauren!" she yells over her shoulder. Wait, Lauren! A girl with short brown hair and brown eyes (@_MountainDewLover_ correct me if I'm wrong) comes around a corner of an aisle with her pistol drawn. As soon as she sees me her eyes widen then fill with slight recognition.

"R-Rose?" she asks, hopeful. I nod and carefully set Cammyla down and walk over to Lauren. We instantly hug each other.

"It's me." I say while a few more tears of happiness shed. Some fall from her eyes, too.

"We went to your house, b-but you were already gone." she says as we pull away. I nod and look over her shoulder as three more girls walk up from behind her. One has dark blue short hair with brown eyes. The next, long brown hair and dull blue eyes. The last, light purple hair in a side braid with smoky, grey eyes.

"Ella? Dani? Delilah?" I say, shocked once again. They all look at me.

"Rose!" they say all together as they run up and hug me. Lauren and Cammyla join in the group hug.

"We missed you!" Delilah says as we all pull away.

"Me too!" I say laughing, my happiness overflowing. Someone coughs awkwardly from behind us. I turn around to see Carl shifting his weight on either feet and pushing up his hat.

"Oh, um. . . this is my cousin Cammyla, and my best friends Lauren, Ella, Dani, and Delilah." I say, pointing to each of them. He nods.

"I'm Carl." Once he introduces himself, their expression changes into one of pure hate and anger. They know about my history with him.

"I know. I don't like it either. I hate it. But, they have a secure camp at a prison." I tell them. I can tell that they are all biting their tongues, trying to refrain from saying anything. Don't worry, I've been doing that the moment I heard his name yesterday.

"Wait, they're coming with us?" Carl asks, clearly confused. I look to him with annoyance.

"Yes. If they're not, then I'm going with them. I'm not leaving them." I say, crossing my arms and squinting my eyes.


"Alright, tell your dad bye for me." I say, throwing my hands up and pick up my bow. There is a loud sound of banging and moaning (lol that sounds wrong. . .) coming from the front doors of the pharmacy. We all put our hands on our weapons and look towards the sound. There is a herd of about fifty walkers. Instinctively I step closer to Cammyla.

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