How You Met : Steve

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You were walking down the city of New York going to your job of five years. What is it you may ask? You are an ER Doctor that works with a great pay and living in an apartment thanks to the VA hospital. As you were walking by, you look up to the tower you always pass every morning. That blissful beautiful looking tower. Avengers Tower.

You shift hours are from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm. As you were walking towards the hospital, hugging the ends of your coat tightly, due to the breeze making feel chilly, as you do, you pass a certain tall blonde with a full muscular form. He sees you and does his normal routine. Gives you nice warm signature smile and passes. Who is this person?

The one and only Steve Rogers.

You do the same as he flashes you the smile. Wow. Who can't feel weak to the knees. You knew who he was, everyone knew. He was Captain freaking America. The symbol of peace and freedom. The person people can trust most. But with you he is the most trustworthy person, but unlike others, you treat every one the same, not of who they are as hero or celebrity, but as a person who has heart and emotions coursing through himself which will never change, and Everyday for the past year or so this was the same routine. Not until today.

5:30 pm

You only had an hour and a half before your shift ended. Thank the lord! Today was stressful. When you came in to punch in, you were met with a man in a car accident with severe damage to his legs since they were smashed and you had to but them in place since they stuck to abnormal places. He perforated his lungs, one of them collapsed, his head cracked 3 inches away from his forehead which caused him to bleed out and to be put on transfusion and sent to the O.R. after you fixed him up besides the head injury since other doctors were working on him.

Few hours later
A woman comes in with her baby having respiratory problems and she was handled with special care. Yes you were a pediatrician too. While monitoring her, her stats went down and she had to be put through CPR, twice. When it comes to those, it is really heartbreaking for you because they are children and they are supposed to live free from suffering, but as reality takes it, life is full of ups and downs. The baby was out in the ICU due to her lungs not responding well with her fragile body. You would check in with her every hour to see if she was getting better and comforting the newly mother about it.

After that, another patient came in with serious cough and sweat. She began having seizures and vommiting non stop and then later, rashes began to appear on her skin. This was code blue. She had a serious virus that came out on her blood test. Thankfully it was not contagious but in her case, she had to be treated with many medications and kept in isolation until further notice.

Since you only had minimal time left, you have decided to go eat a snack and then dinner after work. Yes, you haven't eaten due to the situations. You go to your locker and get out a bag of Cheetos to eat. As you get back and sit down in a chair. You hear a Code Red. What? No one is that seriously injured......unless?

The Avengers!

You stand up straight and wait for the specialized doctors to attend one of the injured of the team. Who was it? As you look over the crowd of nurses getting prepped to do their job you get a glimpse of who it is.
Wait? That is not who I think it is?! Your cousin Bruce Banner!!

"I need doctors in here now!" One of the nurses say. I waited if any doctors came in since I was off for half an hour but no one came.

"Shit seriously, really Banner!" I say in my head.

I head into the Baghdad room( if you got that then you are amazing) and I attended my dearly close cousin. I knew that he was in the Avengers Initiative but I never told anyone because I want to keep his safety and mine in check.

As I near, I say," Brucie, can you hear me, it me (your nickname)!" I check if there are any injuries, and boy there were many!

He stirs," Y/N, are you here?, my head is killi....." And his eyes roll back.

I immediately get to work on him and I see that he has a huge concussion, a huge gash on his lower abdomen, hopefully no internal bleeding, two sets of his ribcage shattered and a perforated lung and one of them collapsed after the x-rays. Man was he lucky to be alive.
"Crap, just like I thought, HE NEEDS TO GET INTO THE O.R NOW!! He has a thirty minute window, severe damage to the liver, perforated and collapsed lung and probably severe head injury!! Hurry!!!?!"

I look back and see the Avengers in disbelief in what I just said.
Everyone looks for answers if he will be okay.
The looks of hopefulness but sadness washing over them.

As the nurses get into the elevator to the O.R., I turn around and in shock, sadness but anger, I bluntly said to the first person near me, who knows? The Captain America.
"What happened to him, you better pray that he lives or else.."

He looked at me in shock but anger that I just said that to him, looking helpless that a dear friend ended up here in a bad state.
"He was on a mission with us and we're all done until a surprise attack came and hit him, since he was the last one to sweep the area, and I don't like the way you talk to me like that about my friend!!"

I retort, " Yes I can because you do not have the authority over me to tell me what or what not do!!! I have as much right to help him in any way I can!! So don't you dare say that!!"

The Avengers were beyond pissed that I talked to the Captain like that and about there friend and the doctors and nurses looked at me in disbelief that I talked to him like that.

'Sooo!! Bruce is my cousin and I do what I think is right!!' In my head

"Who are you to tell us that you, you undeserving Doctor!!!" Tony says behind Steve.

I was on a full rage and said," HIS GODDAMN COUSIN YOU IDIOTIC DUMBASS!!!"

They all stared at me and Steve said, "Steve Rogers ma'am, I am so sorry" with sympathy in his eyes but slight anger.

I did not give any more I just said this,". y/n l/n, and fuck off!!!!" And stormed out to check on Bruce.

Who knew the beginning of a friendship would start out like this.

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