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Justine's POV 

It is the middle of November, and it is cold here in California. I walk through the halls of my high school with my backpack slung over my shoulder. I just turned 14 over the weekend and I don't really feel a difference. I head to my locker to put some books inside. As I close my locker door, I say, "Hi Dana." I fully close my locker and lean against it with my left shoulder. "Justine! I wanted to scare you!" Dana pouts. I smile. "You do this everyday." Dana smiles at me and we walk to geometry. Dana and I have the same math class because I'm a nerd! Dana slings his arm over me. "You know, the boys and I are going over to my house after school. Wanna come?" Dana asks. I reply, "Do I even have a choice? I live next door to you." Dana laughs. 

Dana and I have been best friends since he was in second grade and I was in first. Even though he was a year older than me, that never stopped us from being best friends. We were even neighbors, so everyday we would walk home from school together. I met the boys when I was in the seventh grade. They treat me like I'm their little sister and I just love it! 

Dana and I walk inside the classroom and take some seats near the back. We start talking for a little bit until a girl interrupts us and starts talking to Dana. I roll my eyes. Girls always throw themselves at Dana. It was irritating at first, but now I'm use to it. I see my friend, Jason, who's a freshmen, enter the room. We've been friends since the sixth grade along with my other freshmen friends. Jason notices me and takes the seat in front of me. "Whaddup, my asian." Jason says to me as he sits down. I raise my eyebrows. "I'm not full asian, you know." "I know. Your a mix of every fricken single race." Jason says and pouts. I laugh. "Justine, this is not funny. How come you get to be like a hundred races, but I only get to be one!" Jason dramatically says. I smile, "I don't know. Ask your parents." Jason laughs, "Whatever, I'm still older." "By just a couple of months," I reply, "By the way, how did you even get into geometry?" Jason is possibly the most idiotic kid in the freshmen class, but somehow he seems to still pass his grades. "I have no idea! I swear I guessed on the placement test!" Jason says. I laugh in reply. 

Dana's POV

As Justine and I walk to geometry class, I notice that she's in deep thought. That's when I start to really look at her. I love how her  really dark brown hair flows down to her mid back; how her brown eyes shine in the sunlight.... I've had a crush on Justine since I met her. It wasn't a big deal when we were younger. But then, as we got older, my crush on her just got bigger. 

We walk inside geometry and take some seats near the back. I hate sitting in the front. Me and Justine talk for a bit about the most random things that just pop into our head. Then, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Bri a.k.a the sluttiest girl in the tenth grade. "Hey, Dana." Bri says to me and touches my arm. I smile and say, "Hey, Bri." Even though I hate Bri, I still try to be a nice person. 

Bri starts talking to me about going out this weekend. Psh, like I would even do that. I look at Justine talking to Jason at the side of my eye. I like Jason and all, but sometimes I get jealous when he talks to Justine. I know there's nothing between them, but they kind of hang out a lot. It's probably because they're in the same grade... Ugh, problems. "Hello, Dana? Are you even listening to me?" Bri says to me. "Yeah, I am..." I reply. Then, Bri keeps on talking and talking. Thankfully, the teacher came in and everyone went to their seats. The teacher starts writing notes on the board and Justine immediately starts writing them down. I smile in my head. God, she's so cute. I can't wait until after school because things are going to get interesting. 

So, this is my first story and I hope you guys like it! Sorry if it was kind of boring! Well, it is the first chapter so I had to explain everything! Please leave a comment!! :)

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