Song Writing

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Justine's POV

The bell rings, signalling it's the end of the day. I smile because it's Wednesday! Which means early dismissal!! I look at the clock and see it's only one o'clock. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk out of English. I walk through the open hallways, tugging the sleeves of my sweater over my hands. (her outfit is on the side -->) I shiver, seeing the rain hit the grass to my right. Even though it is really cold right now, I love rainy days....

I finally get to my locker and put in my combination. I sling my backpack in front of me and put the books I don't need in my locker. I go through in my head what I have for homework tonight. "Nerd!" I hear someone shout to the left of me. I turn my head and see a smiling Jason walking over to me. "What did you just call me?" I ask him and laugh. "A nerd!! That's my nickname for you now!" He tells me and grabs the strap of his backpack. 

"Okayyy, what do you want?" I ask him and zip up my backpack. I fix my locker, making sure my books are neat. "Pshhh, I don't want anything," Jason says and scratches his head. I raise my eyebrows at him and look back at my locker. "You always want something," I say in a sing-songy voice. 

"I need five bucks," Jason says. I close my locker. "For what?" I ask him curiously. Jason sighs, "I want McDonalds." I laugh, "You want it, but you don't exactly need it." Jason groans. "Justine, I neeeed McDonalds!" Jason whines. "Don't you get allowance every week?" I ask him. "I'm broke! I spent all of my allowance on my new pair of shoes. Look!" He says and slightly lifts up his feet for me. 

"Those are some nice shoes," I tell him. "Can I have McDonalds?" Jason pleads. "What do I get in return?" I ask and lean my back against the lockers. "I'll buy you Starbucks the next time we go out!" Jason says quickly. I sigh and grab my wallet from my backpack. Jason squeals and I laugh. Food is really important to him. I hand him five bucks and put my wallet back in my bag. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Jason says and runs towards the exit of the school. "I'll text you! kay!!" Jason shouts as he runs. 

"There she is!" I hear someone shout. I turn to the voice of the person...Dalton. Dalton runs over to me with Will, Cole, and Gabe trailing behind. I wonder where Dana is. "Hey! Uh, where's Dana?" I ask them. All of them laugh and scratch the back of their head. "Dana got in trouble by Mrs. Gladin," Gabe trails off. My eye widens. "What the hell did you guys do?" I ask them. "Well, we uh--" Cole gets cut off by someone shouting. 

"I'm here! I'm alive!!" We hear Dana shout, running towards us. "You guys are stupid," I tell them, "Well, I'm going to go home." I start to walk away, but Cole pulls me back. "Whaaaat?" I whine. "All of us are going to the music room because the Winter Showcase is in three weeks," Cole says. I groan as Cole drags me behind the rest of the boys to the music room. 

We walk down the slightly empty hallways and enter the music room. Inside, we see Mr. Evans grading some papers at his desk. "Hey Mr. Evans!" Will says. The rest of us greet him at miscellaneous times. "Hey kids! Are you guys going to practice for the Winter Showcase?" Mr. Evans asks us. All of us nod as we sit some chairs in the middle of the classroom. "Good! Because if you guys weren't going to perform, the show would suck with horrible talent," Mr. Evans tells us with a disgusted face. All of us laugh at his honesty. "Well, I'll let you guys practice. I'm just going to grade these papers. These stupids kids don't know the difference between an eighth and sixteenth note," Mr. Evans trails off.

"So, what song should we do?" Dalton asks as he grabs an acoustic guitar. "We should write a song," Will says and goes to sit at the piano. "That would take too long," Cole says and slumps in his chair. "But, then we would have a hard time choosing a song," Dana  says. "Justine, what do you think?" Gabe asks me. All of them look at me. 

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