Just for a moment

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Justine's POV

The ringing of the bell interrupts my thoughts, signaling that school is now over. Thank god! I exit the classroom and head straight to my locker to put my books away. I stay there for a moment and sigh. I go on my phone and start texting Jason. "Helllloooo." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and see Dana. I smile. He sure knows how to make someone smile. "You ready to go to my cribbb?" Dana says. I laugh,"Who says crib anymore?" "Idunno, but I do," Dana replies. I close my locker and adjust my bag on my shoulder. I hold my phone in my hand as I walk next to Dana through the exit of the school. "Are the boys walking with us?" I ask Dana. He shakes his head. "Naw, Gabe is driving them cuz they don't want to walk." I laugh, "But, it's only ten blocks." Dana laughs too, "Well, at least I get spend some time with my best friend!" 

best friend.... That's all he'll ever think of my will he. If only, he knew I thought of him more than that. Of course, he doesn't... Our parents always said when we were little that somehow we would be together when we get older. Me and Dana thought that was gross because we were only, just best friends. 

"So, how's freshmen year for ya?" Dana asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Eh, high school isn't really different I guess," I reply, as we cross the street with a bunch of other kids and step onto the sidewalk. "That's how I felt in my freshmen year." Dana says to me. "How's Bri?" I smirk at him. Dana gives me a digusted look, "Ugh, I hate her! I only pretend to listen when she talks to me only to be nice! But, I'm dying!" I laugh. 

We finally arrive at his house and walk on the stairs to his porch. I trip on the last step, but luckily, Dana catches me. My breath hitches as I notice how close we are. I look into Dana's eyes as he does the same to time. I stay in Dana's arms for a few seconds until I see him close his eyes and lean in. I do the same, but before our lips even touch, a car honk interrupts us. "Hey!! We got McDonalds!! Oh snap..." I hear a voice shout. We both turn our heads to see Cole by Gabe's car with a shocked face. Dalton and Will get out of the back. "Where's-oh crap..." Dalton starts to say, but doesn't finish when he sees me and Dana. Will just looks at us with a smile on his face. "Why is everyone...ohhhhh!" Gabe says and smirks at us as he gets out of the driver's side. Dana and I let go of each other, and I see Dana looking at the ground, trying not to look at me. The boys meet us at the porch and Will puts his arms around me and Dana. "Let's go inside! I'm hungry!" Will says and drags me and Dana inside of his house. Dalton starts to sing, "So this is love...." "Shut up Dalton!" Dana says, blushing. I smile at Dana and he smiles back.

We go into Dana's living room and  drop our bags off to the side. I sit in the middle of the couch, comfortably as Will sits on my right and Gabe sits on my left. Dana sits on the lounge chair and Cole and Dalton sit on the ground. We all get a McChicken and share some fries with each other. I share a large fries with Will because he always eats my leftovers. Dana, Cole, and Dalton start talking about who knows what. Then, Gabe and Will start bombarding me with questions. "What happened?" Gabe smirks at me. Will looks at me and nods, while eating his sandwich. I shrug, "Nothing happened. I just tripped and Dana catched me." I slightly whisper to them. "Well, it looked like we boys ruined a moment." Will says. Gabe agrees, "Yeah, it looked like you guys were gonna kiss." I shrug, "Well, probably not because me and Dana don't even like each other that way." Gabe shakes his head and says, "How do you know?" I reply, "I just know. Just eat your McChicken." Gabe laughs and takes bite of his sandwich.

I end up only eating half of my sandwich, giving the rest to Will. "Oh my gosh, Justine! You're the best!" Will exclaims, taking my sandwich. Everyone laughs. Jason sends me a text and I reply to it. 

~Text Conversation~

Jason: Whatcha up to?

Justine: At Dana's house.

Jason: Hmmm, whatcha doin' over there? ;)

Justine: You're gross! Besides, we're not alone. The boys are with us. 

Jason: But, Dana wishes you guys were alone. ;*

Justine: He doesn't like me!!!

Jason: Okay, I bet you if you look up right now that Dana is staring at you!

I decide to look up to prove Jason he is wrong, but I am. When I see Dana staring at me, he blushes and looks away. I go back on my phone.

Justine: Whatever....

Jason: Haha!!! I was right! Praise my awesomeness!! Brb! Imma stuff my face with fooood!!!

"Jason's right, you know." I hear Gabe say to me. "Were you looking at my text conversation?" I ask him and raise my eyebrows. "Well he is right, besides the gross part." Will says to me. I roll my eyes. Dana will never like me back.

Dana's POV

Justine and I walk onto my porch, but she trips on the last step and I catch her before she falls. I realize how close we are and I hold her in my arms for a few seconds. I have to do this. It's now or never. I close my eyes and slowly lean in. Before our lips could even touch, a car honk interrupts us. It's the boys... They look at us with shocked faces and I realize what they're looking at. Me and Justine let go of each other and I look at the ground, blushing hard. Will breaks the awkwardness and drags us both into my house. We lounge in my living room and I flop on the big chair. Cole passes me a McChicken and Dalton smirks at me. I ignore it and eat my sandwich.After a few bites, I notice Cole and Dalton both smirking at me. "What?" I ask both of them. "We all know what was gonna happen on that porch." Cole says to me. I shrug, "Psh, nothing was gonna happen." Dalton makes a gasp, "You little liar! You're the one who leaned in, weren't you?" I look down and try to hide my smile. "Aww, he's blushing!" Cole says. Man, I've gotta stop blushing. "Our Dana is growing up." Dalton says and fake cries with Cole. 

Cole, Dalton, and I argue about Justine liking me. "She does not like me." I say to them for the thousandth time. "Ye she does." Cole says to me. "She totally does." Dalton agrees. I sigh, "Guys, I know she doesn't like me. We've been best friends for a long time. She probably doesn't want to ruin our friendship." Cole and Dalton look sympathic at me. We talk about music to change the subject. After a while, I drift away from the conversation to look at Justine. Man, she's so beautiful. I see her texting someone and Gabe and Will are secretly looking over the shoulder. I gotta ask them who she was texting. Justine looks up from her phone and sees me look at her. I quickly look away, trying to be nonchalant. Justine goes back to her phone and I let a huge breath out. You don't what this girl does to me...

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