Chapter 4: The Cheater

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Deseray's Pov

My heart was beating so fast and hard I thought it would fly out of my chest. I was so excited to see my new boyfriend and just be with him. Despite my happiness, I felt a tingle of worry and doubt. I have always been hurt by everyone .... My grandparents .... My lovers .... My own fucking parents .... But Jeffy wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't. I ran as fast as I could to the park, I know I just saw him yesterday but fuck I love this guy. I sat on the bench as I rummaged through my purse for my phone. "No messages" I said sadly looking around to see if I could see him. But just like the messages there was no Jeff to be seen.

It was nearing 7pm and still I have heard nothing from him. My heart sank as tears began to fall onto my lap. How could he stand me up?! How could I have trusted him?! "I'm such an idiot" I say through the tears as I stand up from the bench. I walk down onto the sidewalk only to see Sammy running towards me crying. I pulled her into my chest when she reached me. Sammy was only 12 years old, only a couple of years older than from when I lost everything. I've always thought of her as a little sister so seeing her so upset only hurt my feelings and angered me onto why she was crying. "What's wron-----" before I could even ask I saw a bruise on her shoulder and claw marks from where it looked like someone was abusing her. "Who did this to you" I ask softly but inside I was now out for blood. She only shook her head as she pointed at her beautiful pink and purple backpack.

I still held her close to me as I looked into the backpack only to see a camera. I mentally shuddered as I thought of what could be on it. I couldn't bare to see evidence of her getting beat or hurt. But I had to see for myself. I sat her down on the bench I was originally sitting on as I turned on the camera and went into albums. But what I saw killed me more and more the longer I looked.

Jeff's Pov

I hate Sam, all she does is snitch and cause trouble. She got what was coming to her. I wanted Diego so bad but that bitch had to come and ruin it.



I looked behind me to see Sammy. I was so pissed my fists were now balled into anger because she again interrupted my fun. And worse yet now she has evidence to show Deseray that I cheated on her. I quickly looked at Diego and I could tell he was even more pissed than me at this point. I smirked at him and nodded knowing what was on his mind. He wanted to beat the shit out of her and I wanted the camera. We smirked at each other as we started to run after her.

I grabbed at her arm trying to get a grip on her but I just scratched her instead. Finally Diego had grabbed her hair and caught her. His fists were flying so fast that I couldn't even reach for the camera. But I knew it was on because every few minutes it would flash taking more evidence to show Deseray. I couldn't let her see, I just couldn't. I quickly tried to get the camera when Diego hit me right across the face. I was taken backwards which left Sammy unguarded as Diego rushed over to me. Sammy then made a run for it. I tried to get up but Diego held me down. "She has to go home sometime right?" He said with a smirk. I only nodded and wondered what she was gonna do with those pictures.

*End Of Flashback*

I looked at Diego his arms softly around my waist as he drifted to sleep. I liked him but I loved Deseray, but now once she sees those pictures she's going to hate me. What have I done? I traded everything for Diego. I hurt my little sister and worse is I've cheated on the one girl that has been there fore through thick and thin. How was I going to explain myself to her? Or even to mom once she sees Sammy. I have fucked myself over.

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