Jasper the creepy stalker

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"Whoops shit". Amelia jumped out of bed to go to the bathroom, but her legs buckled beneath her and she had to grab hold of the bed not to fall.

Zac looked at her with surprise. "Uhh darling, what are you doing ? Leave it to you to fall over nothing".

"It is so not my fault, it is your fault actually, my legs is still totally jello, they just gave in". She looks accusingly at him.

He had a fit of giggles and she stuck out her tongue at him, before she let go of the bed, making sure her legs would support her.

"Are you hungry ?" Amelia asked Zac as she came back into the bedroom after having a quick shower.

He stretched lazily and looked lovingly at her. "Well yeah I am actually starting to get just a bit hungry".

"I will go check the kitchen for something worth eating". She pulled on a pair of clean panties and stole his T-shirt, it almost reached her knees.

He got up and kissed her softly. "Uhh you look so damn sexy like this, I will just hit the shower, okay ?"

"Of course, just come out in the kitchen when you are done". She kissed him again and couldn't help but slap his ass as he walked to the bathroom.

She walked out to the kitchen and stopped in shock. "Oh fuck Jasper, what are you doing here ? I thought you would be late".

"We finished early, but I hadn't expected to come home to a naughty peep show sweetie". He said grinning.

She hid her face in her hands, her cheeks going bright red. "I wasn't expecting you to come home, fuck this is so embarrassing".

"Don't worry about that, I can handle it, but next time, maybe just close the door right ?" He said grinning, stirring in a pot on the stove.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Okay Jasper, just a bit creepy going down to have a look, you know that right ?"

"Of course I haven't been watching you, I didn't know what the two of you were doing, I just wanted to let you know that I was back". He shrugged apologetic.

She looked at him. "Sorry Jasper, didn't mean for you to see that, promise to close the door in the future even if you are not here".

"But probably sounding like a creepy stalker, hot damn girl, now I really get why you couldn't let that man get away". He winked at her and Amelia almost doubled of the chair laughing.

She thought a change of subject was about time. "What are you making there Jasper ? It smells delicious".

"I guessed the two of you would be famished once you emerged, so I decided to occupy myself with a little cooking". He sent her a sweet smile.

She hopped down from the chair and kissed his cheek. "Uhh you are such a sweetheart, I better go make sure he is decent when he comes out".

"Oh no why sweetie ? I don't mind". Jasper said with a teasing smirk, and she playfully hit his shoulder.

She walked back into the bedroom and closed the door behind her, Zac came out from the bathroom, naked, his hair a mess of damp curls.

"How sexy I may find you looking like that, you better put on some clothes, Jasper is in the kitchen cooking". She pulled of his T-shirt and threw it to him.

Zac looked at her, his eyes wide. "Fuck how long has he been here ? Do I even want to know ?"

"No I don't think you want to know sweetie, and next time, please remember to close the door behind you". She winked at him.

He blushed quite a lot. "Uhh and you just want me to walk out, having dinner with him pretending nothing happened ?"

"Yup, at least I didn't make it more awkward for you, by telling you what he had to say about you". She said teasingly and kissed him.

He shook his head. "No thanks, I rather don't know, I like to be able to look him in the eyes again someday".

She giggled and put on a long flowing summer dress, he put on his clothes to and she pulled him with her out in the kitchen to get some food.

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