Chapter 7

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Two Asian looking men walk into the room. Both tall, one with darker skin and long hair, he was dressed like John Travolta in Dance Fever. The other man his short hair slicked back he wore a business suit.

"I see you're awake about time." The Travolta look a like says.

"What do you want with us." Mary asks

"I warned your brother to stay out of my business. He just won't listen so I'll make him." The other man says.

"You want to teach him a lesson, so you take his sister, like that will not make him want to stop what ever your doing more." Mary says

"If he wants to see you alive he will."

"So then why take me?" Maria asks

"Ah you your special I'm just paying back detective Williams for putting me in prison. I was going to take his daughter, but I found something he cares for a lot more now, and you've only been on the Island a week."

"I thought we were being followed on Sunday I just wasn't sure." Maria says.

"So you decided to kidnap us both, my brother will find us and this time I don't think he'll let you go Wo Fat. Ya I know who you are. I know who you are to Sang Min." Mary says.

"Wait your Wo Fat you're the bastard that killed one of my best friends 8 years ago. I new you looked familiar, but I've been looking for you. She never got to meet her niece because of you."

Maria jumps up and kicks at Wo Fat, she kicks him in the chest and goes at him again, but is stopped by Sang Min. Mary jumps at his back and claws at his face.

Maria goes back to attacking Wo Fat, by then he has called for help, but it doesn't get there till after a small fight happened. Maria had managed to kick Wo Fat to the ground and punching his face. Although Mary did not have much luck Sang Min had her pinned to the ground, Maria turns to look at Mary and Wo Fat hits her in the stomach. Maria falls to the ground and he pins her till help gets there. Maria's arms being held at her side so she can't attack any more, even though she keeps trying.

When their help arrives the girls are both tied up again Wo Fat slaps Maria then leaves.

Glad that they were not searched both girls are free within minutes and looking around for a way out.


Chin and Justin are going over the security tapes, when Emily suddenly remembers something.

"Misty does Maria have her knife on her, you know the one I gave her for her birthday last year."

"Yeah I saw her putting it in her belt hiding spot this morning when we were running to the elevator. Why?"

"Well I gave her that knife not only as a gift but as an extra tracker. Remember cuz she kept losing all her knifes during trainings. So I had Justin put a chip in her knife.

"So that's why when she loses it you always seem to have it." Misty says

Emily nods

Emily walks over to Justin and hands him a code to put in.

Steve and Danny walk in from Steve's office.

"What's going on?" Danny asks

"We just found another way to find Maria and Mary." Misty says


"We always have a way to find Maria, she gets lost in her own house." Misty laughs.

A beeping sound comes from the computer and a large map of Hawaii appears. A big red dot comes on the map and it gets closer to it until you can see a big house.

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