Chapter 15

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The night had finally come and Maria was so happy. It was the night before her wedding and she was enjoying the night with her closest friends and even some new ones. Her mother and soon to be mother-in-law had taken there granddaughters for the night and left the younger women to party however they wanted. When they had finally calmed down and everyone was just relaxing watching TV and falling asleep. Maria walked outside and sat on her steps thinking. Things were finally falling into place for her; finally going in the direction she wanted.

A shadow moves at the corner of her eye.

"Why are sneaking around my house?" Maria calls out "There are 4 other special unit women in the house, so either show yourself or leave."

Finally the person comes out

"What the hell are you doing here, Mickey."

"I just wanted to say congrats on the wedding." Mickey says

Mickey St. James was the first man Maria had loved; he was also the last until she had met Danny.

"You disappear when I'm 9 months pregnant and in labor, and I find out that my best friend was murdered. You shouldn't be here." Maria says calmly

"I was scared ok. Hell Maria we were only 17, I had my whole life in front of me. What was I suppose to do give up on my hard work and dreams to raise a baby."

"Why not I did it, and look at where I am now. Do you know how many people I personally have put behind bars and have only missed one or two of Kiana's schools things."

"So I'm not dad of the year, but I would like to try, I've a steady job that give me vacations every year. That and I can work just about anywhere. I was just working with family in London last month when I heard you were getting married."

"So what you want to be in her life now that she has someone to love her and rely on. I'm sorry but that's not possible," Maria turns to go inside.

"I want to try,"

"Just leave and don't come back, its what your good at. Pretend nothing happened, oh and never come near my family again." Maria walks into the house and locks the door behind her.

The next morning Maria is woken up to two small children and a puppy jumping on her.

"Momma aunty Em says to get up, breakfast is ready." Kiana and Grace jump off the bed and Captain Jack follows them.

Maria stays in bed looking up at the roof smiling and hoping last night was just a dream. The fact that things were finally going right for her was a new thing.

The only thing she was worried about was that Mickey was gonna do something to ruin her day.

Five minutes later Maria climbs out of bed and goes into the kitchen.

"About time, I thought I was going to have to send a search team for you." Emily says.

"Haha, very funny. So what did you make for breakfast."

Emily hands her a plate with eggs, bacon, and potato's along with a cup of coffee.

After breakfast Maria and Emily go for a walk.

"So you gonna tell me who was here last night or do I have to pry it out of you?" Emily asks

"Mickey came to the house last night." Maria says

"What did he want?"

"He said that he's changed and he wants to be part of Kiana's life."

"What a jerk not showing interest in his kid in 8 years and just as your getting married and everything he wants part of her life, please tell me you told him to bug off." Emily says

"Oh I did trust me."

"Good, now lets get back and start getting you ready, your mom told me to distract you long enough for her to get to your house with everyone and things." The two friends walk back towards Maria's house.

After she showers and her hair is done Maria heads to the church that the wedding is being held at. Going into the room she is supposed to use to get ready, she puts on her dress and sits and waits. Her bridesmaids coming in and out talking to her letting her know how things are going. Half and hour later everyone is lining up.

The bridesmaids finished walking down the isle, the music started for Maria to walk down. Everyone rose from their seats and turned to look at her. Maria walks down with her mother who was giving her away. When they reached Danny, Jackie kisses Maria's cheek then Danny's and hands him Maria's hand. Danny and Maria recite their vows and say I Do. Finally the pastor says

"You may now kiss your bride."

Danny pulls Maria into him and kisses her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Willams"


Maria's white dress is covered in red blood. And a scream is let out. 

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