Chapter 8

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The next morning Danny wakes up first and looks at Maria and smiles, taking in the moment before she wakes up. If only he could wake up like this all the time things would be great.

Maria shifts in next to him and opens her eyes and looks at him.

"Good morning" Danny says

"Best way I've woken up in awhile." Maria says smiling

"Me too."

They lay together awhile longer not wanting to get up, but as fate would have it and knock and the door opening ruins the moment.

Emily and Misty come to check on Maria not knowing Danny had stayed the night.

"Hey rise and shine Maria." Misty says looking at the bed and seeing two bodies in the bed.

"Oh uh oops." Misty laughs

"Sorry didn't know you were staying the night Danny."

"Uh ya we just kinda fell asleep after we finished eating." Danny says

"That explains all the texts and calls from Steve, wondering where you were at." Emily says

"Uh ya I shut it off so we could sleep." Danny says turning the phone on and it starts to beep with missed calls and texts.

Emily had pushed Misty out the door.

Danny calls Steve back.

Maria rolls off the bed and lands on her sore feet, then falls back as her feet her more than she thought.

"Ok note to self don't get up to fast." Maria says to herself

"Danny hangs up with Steve and looks over at Maria.

"Maybe you should stay with Justin at headquarters today." Danny suggests

"No way I want to be one of the ones that bring in Wo Fat. After he killed one of my best friends I have the right to help catch him." Maria says

"I know but babe you can barely walk you tore your feet up to much yesterday."

"Danny I can't just sit around and do nothing."

"I'm not telling you to, it just your hurt and I don't want to see you hurt any more. I don't think I can stand seeing you hurt any more." Danny says

He walks over to her and holds her close to him.

"Look were not going to make a move until this afternoon so lets just relax until then ok." Danny says


"Good now I'm gonna run down to my car and grab my go bag that has extra clothes in it."

Danny puts his shoes on and grabs Maria's room key so he can let himself back in so Maria doesn't have to get up to let him in.

When he gets back to the room he doesn't find Maria in the bed, instead he hears singing coming from the bathroom.

Danny sits on the bed and listens, the only person who he had ever heard sing was Gracie, but Maria singing was different.

He hears the water turn off, but the singing continues.

Not knowing that Danny was back upstairs Maria walks out of the bathroom in a towel and her underwear.

"Well now that's a seen I could get use too." Danny says making Maria jump.

"Ow. Jeez Danny you scared me." Maria says

"I'm sorry, it just not everyday I see such a beautiful woman with almost nothing on and with such a great voice."

"Wait you heard me sing," Maria says turning red

"Yeah your really good." This makes Maria blush even more.

Maria grabs her clothes and runs back to the bathroom and slams the door.

"Ah come on I'm sorry I didn't mean embarrass you." Danny sits up against the door trying to get Maria to come out.

His phone rings and he answers it just as the door opens and he falls backwards. Maria laughs.

"Yeah Danny." Danny says laying on the floor were he fell.

Maria walks to the bed with her computer checking her e-mail, and laughing at whatever is on the screen. She stops laughing when something is popped onto her screen.

"DANNY!" Maria screams

Danny jumps up from the floor and runs to her.

He looks at the screen and curses.

"Steve you need to get everyone over here right now. I'll explain when you get here." Danny hangs up the phone.

"Maria listen you need to go get everyone from their rooms." Danny tells her turning her from the computer.

Tears coming down her face and yet she's not sad she's mad. Putting on her other pair of shoes she goes out into the hall and bangs on of her teams doors. Everyone comes running out of there own rooms wondering what is wrong.

"Maria what's wrong?" Emily asks going to her friends' side.

"You all need to come to my room now." Maria says pulling Emily and Misty into her room with Justin following behind them.

They see Danny standing in front of the bed looking at something.

"What's going on guys?" Misty asks

Danny moves out of the way of the computer and shows everyone. They all look at it not wanting to believe it.

"When did you get this?" Emily asks

"About 20 minutes ago, I was checking my e-mail and reading something Jake sent me. Then it popped up in my screen. The rest of the Five-0 team is on the way." Maria says

They watch the screen for what seems hours and wait for the other team to arrive.

Ten minutes later the Five-0 team shows up.

Steve talks first

"So what's going on?"

"We have a problem." Maria says

The other team looks at the screen and Kono gasps.

Another bing on the computer lets them know another e-mail has been sent.

"Open it Maria." Steve tells her.

Maria goes and opens the new e-mail another video starts.

It starts like the first one then it changes to a man talking.

"I see you got my first video I hope you liked it, you left so quickly yesterday and didn't wait. If only you had stayed."

He leaves and the video ends and the picture goes away.

"Wo Fat, dammit we were going to get him today. He's probably moved, it's going to be hard to find them now."

The room is silent then a phone goes off. 

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