Chapter 22

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(Your name)’s POV:

Sipping your tea bit by bit, you stare at the recording device that will be your friend for the afternoon’s talk with Aston. “When are you leaving?” Aleena asked softly as she stands near the dining table; your eyes look up at her softly, “soon,” you say quietly, making Aleena nod softly. “I hope it goes well for you,” she says softly “thank you,” you whisper, before realizing that you have finished your tea. This means it’s time to go see Aston.

Parking up outside Aston’s home, it feels like the posting of the message all over again. Taking a deep breath, you climb out of your car before grabbing your bag of the front passenger seat. Standing by your car, you lock it and then quickly check your bag and see that the recorder is still in it; doing a run through the recording, which still worked, you took another deep breath, placed the recorder back into your bag and then began the travel up Aston’s pathway to his door.

“Hello,” Aston says as he opens the door “hi,” you say softly and nervously, which you knew Aston picked up and so he frowned. “What do you want to talk to me about?” He asks softly, while he steps aside and gestures you into his house, “something that Rachael said last night,” you say softly as you step into his house; Aston’s face noticeably changes into one as though he has seen a ghost. “Okay...” He begins and his voice is nervous “would you like something to drink?” He offers quietly “no, I’m okay thank you,” you say softly “me too,” he says making you giggle “shall we talk in the living room or...?” He asks nervously “the living room will do,” you say softly before you make your way into the luxurious looking living room. Since this is the first time being in Aston’s home, you did have a sneaky look at his house when you stepped in, and to be honest it made you proud of where he has gotten. “So what did Rachael say?” He asks, as he sits next to you on his sofa “okay Aston, first I want to know on how much you trust me. So that the thing that I’m about to say what be assumed as a lie,” you say softly as he looks at your face, taking each bit of detail in, “I trust you with my life baby, I wouldn’t assume what your next going to say will be a lie,” he says softly making you smile, and it seems at the sight of you smiling makes him smile. “Okay, here it is... When I’d gone into the toilet, I was in a cubicle when Rachael had come into the loo with some woman that she knew. They were talking about you and her... Then they eventually went on to talk about the baby. Err- The woman asked her how it came about that she got pregnant and err- she- she- she said that, she had deliberately split the condom because she had some sort of feeling that I was going to come back and that you might leave her for me. So by being pregnant, it’d force you to stay with her,” you explain softly and quietly, but Aston’s face is unreadable.

For about a minute, nothing was said and by now Aston had his head in his hands. Your eyebrows crease together, while you place your right hand onto his left shoulder you feel his shoulders shake and you realize that he is crying. “Aston,” you whisper making him burst out crying “Aston, please don’t cry,” you whisper as you shuffle closer to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders “why could she do this to me?” He cries as his hands come away from his face; his right hand going to your left hand and holding it tightly. Biting your lip, you try your hardest not to cry although your tears get the better of you as they start to build. “I have a recording of what she said. I happened to have a recorder in my bag and I somehow switched it on and it recorded everything,” you whisper just as a tear rolled down your right cheek and landed onto his shoulder; this makes him look at you and frown. “What are you crying for?” He sniffles and sits up to face you more “just... I don’t wanna see you crying,” you whisper, while you slowly go down your bag to receive the recorder, but Aston’s hands stop you from going down your bag. Slowly looking up at him, you both smile at each other before leaning and hugging each other tightly, “thank you for telling me,” he whispers “you’re welcome,” you whisper back “please listen to the recording. I’d make me feel as though I’m not making you listen to me,” you whisper to him as you feel him nod “okay baby,” he whispered as you hold each even tighter before breaking apart.

Once again, going down your bag you pull out the recorder and pass it to him. “Thank you,” he says quietly while he looks at it and keeps hold of it, “I think I should go... Leave you to your thoughts,” you whisper as he nods softly “okay,” he whispers. Still frowning, you lean in and kiss him quickly on the cheek, before quickly getting up and heading towards his front door.

Aston’s POV:

She kissed me. She kissed my cheek. Her lips feel just the way they were when we were teenagers: soft and sweet. When I hear the closing of the front door, I look down to my hands with the recorder sitting there. Taking a deep breath, I listen to the recording that (Your name) asked me to do.

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