Chapter 37

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Waking up in the morning, you feel the naked body pressed up against you from behind you; you then remember that you are naked yourself as well as the night before replaying in your mind. Just as your eyes open, you bite your lip with a smile as your right hand lies on your stomach. Maybe the most beautiful thing is happening inside your womb at this very moment; you could be baring Aston’s child soon and you couldn’t but grin. “Hello gorgeous,” a voice suddenly appears out from nowhere as well as the kiss that has been laid onto your left cheek, “hello,” you giggle making Aston’s eyebrows burrow with confusion “what you giggling about?” He asks before you roll onto your back while you look up to him, since he is supporting himself on his right hand “the most beautiful thing could be happening in here right now,” you say quietly as you point at your stomach; the grin still on your face. From what you said makes Aston smile before his left hand lays on your stomach, “maybe, and hopefully,” he says softly and quietly before leaning down and kissing you softly.

Georgiana’s POV:

It had been a week later and we were all on the plane coming back home. Aston and (Your name) seemed excited about something but were keeping whatever they had under wraps. I and JB were as good like normal; Sandy and Oritsé were close as ever since their engagement but... Aleena seems really upset about something, which is making Marvin upset too. We’ve been in the air for about an hour and a half and Aleena had gone to the toilet about half an hour ago, and hasn’t come back.

Frowning, I looked to the toilet door and it seemed lifeless. While my frown continues, my eyes glide over the plane and I see (Your name) looking at me, she moves her head slightly to her right and I know she’s indicating Aleena; I shrug my shoulders subtly and my frown deepens. She looks over the seats towards the toilets, before looking back me before pointing at herself and then to the toilet; I nod immediately.

(Your name)’s POV:

Since Aston was elsewhere with JB, you had gotten up and gone over to the toilet that Aleena had gone into. Glancing around, you see that no one is looking, so you knock on the door; if you were honest, you don’t think that anyone has noticed Aleena missing. “Go away,” Aleena calls from the other side of the door and she sounds distraught, “Aleena, it’s me (Your name). What’s wrong babe? I’m worried about you,” you say but you hear nothing in reply. “Aleena, please let me in. I wanna talk to you,” you say but nothing still happens... A moment later, the door unlocks but doesn’t open. Glancing around once again, you quickly open the door and walk through to see Aleena sitting on the toilet lid crying her eyes out; you frown at the state of her. “Hey, hey, what’s happened? What’s wrong?” You ask quickly and quietly as she shakes her head gently “no, tell me. What’s wrong?” You ask softly “I took a pregnancy test with Marvin,” she whispers and bursts out crying. You frown since you knew that Marvin was cool with the potential pregnancy, but if Aleena is in this state, then it’s clear that the pregnancy result wasn’t a good one. “Aww no,” you say and pull her into a hug; her arms cling around you as she continues to cry heavily, you bite your lip trying to stop yourself from crying. “You must have really wanted a baby,” You whisper “y- y- yes,” she stutters to talk as her tears are taking over her, “what about Marvin?” “He’s upset too,” she whispers as you nod “babe, I’m sure there’s always a second chance,” you whisper as you pull out of the hug and wipe away her tears, but she shakes her head, “hey, I’m sure Marvin is talking about with the lads. I’m sure he’s distraught too,” you whisper to her.

Marvin’s POV:

“Ah no,” Aston says as I frown “so, she’s not pregnant?” JB asks as I nod “yeah, she’s distraught and I feel helpless,” I say quietly “you can always try again, can’t you?” JB asks “yeah, but I’d much rather be married to her first. Don’t get me wrong, I would have been over the moon if she was pregnant-” “Yeah Marv, she did that she might be pregnant,” Oritsé says as I nod “yeah I know, but since from being around (Your name) to help her, I think she started getting her hopes up and then was hoping to be pregnant when she found that I was cool with it,” I say before sighing heavily. “Well, where is Aleena?” Aston asks as he quickly looks around for her, “she went into the toilet. She hasn’t come out since and she hasn’t let anyone go in there except from (Your name),” I say “(Your name) is in there?” JB asks with his eyebrows burrowed “yeah, just saw her go in there,” I say as I nod my head over to the toilet making the lads turn their heads to it before looking back to me. “Well, what do you plan to do?” Oritsé asks me as the other two listen intently “well, I plan to get an engagement ring, engage her and then marry her and then start a family,” I say as the lads nod with agreement, “sounds like a plan, when do you plan to get the ring?” Aston asks as I shrug my shoulders “no idea,” I say making the lads titter.

Hopefully everything is going to be okay.

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