Chapter 42

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“So what, everyone has meet each other’s parents?” (Your name) asks while she is snuggled into Aston’s side as they are sat on mine and Georgiana’s sofa, “yeah, have you two not- Oh wait,” I begin, but stop as I remember the reason to why they hadn’t seen each other for seven years. “Yeah, oh,” Aston mumbles “so what are you two gonna do?” Georgiana asks “I suppose we could try, not so sure how our parents are gonna react since they didn’t want us to find each other again,” “and it may be even harder for them to accept it, since the reason (Your name) just said and that she’s now pregnant with my child... I can see my mum not liking the idea,” with a sigh, Aston places his left cheek onto the side of (Your name)’s head, but (Your name) frowns lightly – probably at the idea of Aston’s mum not liking the idea of her being pregnant with Aston’s baby. “Could give it a try?” Georgiana suggests as the couple nod in agreement “you may have to pretend that I’m Rachael, just so she’ll allow you to step back into Peterborough,” (Your name) says making Aston, me, and Georgiana laugh, “would you allow me to do that? Pretend you’re Rachael. Rachael only met parents my parents once, and that was like when...?” He asks as he looks at me with a thoughtful face “I think was the fifth month you two were dating,” “yeah, roughly then,” Aston mumbles as (Your name) nods “pretend I’m Rachael then,” (Your name) says with a smile making Aston grin, before whispering something and I knew it was I love you.

Aleena’s POV:

It was the weekend that Marvin wanted me to meet his parents. To be honest, I’m petrified! I don’t know what to say or what to do. If I’m honest, I feel like Marvin is taking me to his parents to humiliate me on how much of a failure I am to him. For God sake, I can’t even produce a child!

Marvin was downstairs packing a few snacks and drinks for the car journey. I, on the other hand, was upstairs sitting on the end of the bed having a silent cry to myself. Never, have I not been myself for so long and it is really dragging me down, I also feel as though Marvin will leave me soon for being so depressed.

Suddenly, I could hear Marvin in the hallway and I quickly do everything to wipe away my tears and sort my face out. “Baby, are you ready?” He asks as he walks in to stand by the left side of the bed “yeah, I’m good,” I say but don’t look into his direction “are you crying again?” His voice sounds blunt and I shrink in size “sorry,” I whisper and sniffle. He then moves round and sits next to me before pulling me into his body “no need to be sorry, but I really wish you’d stop crying. It really hurts to see it,” “sorry, I suppose I’m just stressed, you know. Upset about the whole baby thing, and now I’m meeting your parents, I don’t know what to say, or what to do; I don’t even know if your parents will like me or not! They’ll probably think I’m some useless girl that can’t even produce your children,” I whimper with soft tears rolling down my face “hey, they’ll love you, and I promise they will. I’ve spoken to them about you like a million times, and they’re really excited to meet you. If you like, we can have a quick try again,” he says softly “when?” I ask quietly “now,” he says but I frown “but doesn’t this make me all seem desperate for a baby?” “No, it’s just mother instinct kicking in. You’re gonna be a wonderful and beautiful mother, and I too want a baby. I may not look it, but I have been just as upset as you have, and I would really like to try again,” he says softly making me smile.

Out of nowhere, he pounces onto me making me giggle and I feel myself become in wanting for him. “I love you,” I whisper which makes him smile “I love you too baby,” he whispers back before placing his lips onto my own.

Sandy’s POV:

For most of today, I was sorting out the rest for the wedding: transport, place for the wedding and after party, and the cake and food. Oritsé wanted to do the honeymoon, so I left that to him. Quite risky, I know! But I trust him with his judgements.

I happened to be browsing online, since me and the girls last week couldn’t find any bridesmaid dresses or a wedding dress, and I came across the most beautiful wedding dress! It was long and a baby blue colour; it was also cut as a boob tube. Never did I think I’d find the right dress, but I know I have now! Biting my lip, I click the book an appointment button on the website and book in a date so that I and the girls can go into the store to see it for real. The grin upon my face got bigger and stuck itself there.

Surprisingly enough, I also found the perfect bridesmaid dresses too, and on the same website! They too were a blue colour, but darker than the colour of my wedding dress, with a sequence neck piece. These dresses are beautiful and I know they will look beautiful on my girls! “What are you grinning about?” Oritsé asks making me snap my head up to look at him standing in the kitchen doorway and looking suspicious, “oh nothing,” I giggle sweetly which raises his right eyebrow “I don’t think so. Looking at other men are we?” He says making me giggle as he begins to approach the fridge, but I minimize the website, and because I had Twitter up as well, it just looks like I was on Twitter. So when he had approached the fridge and looked over his shoulder to look at the computer screen, all he had was my timeline on Twitter. “Why would I want to look at other men?” I ask making him shrug his shoulders “I have you to look at,” I say and wink which makes him smirk; he approaches me while his smirks stays on his face. Oritsé stands behind me and bends down (I am sat on a stool) and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the left side of my neck, “mm baby, I want you,” he whispers seductively making me bite my lip and close my eyes as I feel myself give into him, “take me,” I whisper back just before Oritsé snaps me up on the breakfast bar.

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