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     "Did he recieve the transmission?" I ask, ready to set this all in motion. "Yes, Kira," Madame Kovarian says. "Food. Prepare the army exactly as I have instructed," I say, smiling gleefully. I only show emotion when I'm alone with Madame Kovarian. I know that the only sure-fire way that the Doctor would bring Amy, Rory, and Melody was to make him think he had a child with Melody. There's nothing stronger in the Doctor than his savior complex.

     "Doctor Kovarian?" I ask, looking up from the plans. "Yes, Kira?" she asks, smiling fondly at me. I can tell she's proud of me. "Is the Avatar ready?" I ask. I know she must be tired of my questions, but she knows how much I want this plan to work. She nods. "Yes. She's been made to resemeble the Doctor and Melody, and has been implanted with the memories of a child that grew up on Earth and was abducted at the age of five. You will also be able to see and control everything she does."

     "Excellet. Now, what shall we name her?" I say,  biting my lip. Madame Kovarian thought for a moment. "How about...Belladonna?" she says, her eyes glowing. I furrow my brow. "Yes, that sounds lovely," I reply. I wondered if the Doctor would get the reference, with there being a potent posion called belladonna. "Where shall we put her?" Kovarian asks, looking through the plans. "Put her in my room until the Doctor arrives. Then bring her to me," I say, also lookng through them. Kovarian nods and orders one of the technicians employed to help us to do it.

     About ten minutes pass before anyone says anything else. "Kira?" I look up at her. I know my hair is unkempt, and I haven't slept for the past night, so I must look like crap. "Yes?" I say, biting my lip again. It's a habit I have when I'm nervous. "River Song just escaped from prision," she said, her dark eyes gleaming. I couldn't help but grin. "Take Belladonna to the council room," I say after a moment. Doctor Kovarian nods. I go to my room and get my pistol. Kovarian orders the technician to move Bella, while she goes to inform the Emperor. As soon as I grab my pistiol I hear the wheezing engines of the TARDIS, and a smile flashes on my face before I hide it, rushing back to the planning room in time to see The Doctor step out of the TARDIS, closely followed by River, Rory, and Amy.

     I make my entrance, walking towards them. River Song immediately points her gun at my face, her expression hard. "I know why you're here," I say, putting my hands up. My own gun is concealed under my coat, which happens to be my favorite; a long black trenchcoat. "Then you also know I'm not leaving without my daughter," she replied, her voice on the verge of being a growl. I smile slowly. "Would you like to meet your daughter, Melody?" I asks quietly. Her face behinds to soften, and I beckon in the general direction of the shadows. Belladonna walks out of the shadows and joins me. I hear soft gasps from the foursome as they look upon what they thought to be the child of River and the Doctor. "Hello sweetie," River says, beaming at Bella.

     "Hi," she replies nervously, looking like she's about to throw up. She stopped to my side, looking at me as if she were asking for permission. I nod at her and she slowly, hesitantly, walks up to River, who lowered her gun and put her hand over her mouth. River's eyes began to tear up as she looked upon the face of Belladonna. "What's your name?" she asked after a moment, composing herself. "Belladonna," the Avatar replied. River smiled and hugged her tightly. After a moment, the Doctor joined them, hugging them both. Amy turned to Rory, burying her face in his chest. One by one, they introduced themselves to Belladonna and hugged her. When they finished, River looked up at me, as if realizing that they were not alone in the room.

     She put a protectie arm around Bella and tightened her grip around me. I felt a slight twinge, wishing that I'd had a mother to love and protect me. But the Doctor ruined that for me. "Why did you take her?" the Doctor demanded, his eyes dark with emotion. "Why do you care?" I replied coldly. "Because she's my daughter, and I want to know what the hell you did to her," he said, looking like he was about to explode. "That's confidential. We have all the information we need and are returning her to you safely."

     "I suggest you answer my husband's question before I get angry and shoot," River said, raising her gun. "I didn't have to return her to you in one piece, Professor Song. I suggest you take your daughter and leave before I change my mind." River froze. "Fine," The Doctor muttered, grabbing River's arm to keep her from shooting. "Come on Bella, let's go home," River said softly, following the Doctor into the TARDIS. Amy and Rory went last, looking over their shoulder at us with a glare.

     As soon as the blue doors shut, Madame Kovarian walked into the room and over to me. I look up at her, as she was slightly taller than me, and smiled slowly. "Phase One is complete." 

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