Just Us

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The first day of summer is always the best. It's always been my favorite. Most people sleep in and do nothing all day but not me. The first day of summer is when I explore for new things to write. I always write all summer, it's a hobby. It's 7:00 in the morning and I'm dressed and my hairs were done. I throw on my high tops and grab my purse and fill it with my essentials. After I got my stuff I walked into the kitchen grabbed an apple and walked out the front door.

While I'm walking down the street I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone. I select my playlist titled 'Fave songs ' which includes songs by Sleeping with sirens, Pierce the veil, Of mice and men, and just a bunch of randoms. I crank the volume to where I can't hear anything around me. When I get to the end of the long street I take a right toward the woodsy like area that I use as a shortcut when I go to the malt shop.

The malt shop is this ice cream place in our small town. It's pretty much the only quiet place in town where I can write, that and I love their chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. As I walk through all the trees I see the opening to the sidewalk. When I reach the sidewalk I walk to the end of the street and take a left. As soon as I turn left I see Lizzy's malt shop, named after the owner. It's called Lizzy's and she's owned the place for 6 years. I'm her favorite customer. I walk in and take a seat at the counter and pull my headphones out of my ears and put them away.

"Hey, April!" Lizzy said when I sat down. She's always so sweet, she's only 25 and she's blonde and super beautiful.

"Hey Lizzy, I see you're still sticking to opening early in the morning during the summer," I say with a smile

"Well darling I have to, what would I do without you in the morning?" She said jokingly as she handed me my usual. She walked to the back and I pulled out my book and a pencil and got to work.

After about an hour of writing, i decided to take a break. I ordered a milkshake to go, paid and went back to my seat. I got my things togeather and left. As I walked outside I pulled out my phone and headphones, I played my music from where I left off cranked it then went started walking downtown. When I got downtown I went to the small market store. The store has 5 aisles and is decorated like a bait store with fishing nets all around. I grabbed an Arizona sweet tea and went to the front to pay. The cashier, Laura, was about my age she's a year older, she's 16. I pay and I hand her the apple I brought, she loves apples.

"Thanks, April!" She said with a smile. I could read her lips and she was happy. I smiled and walked out of the store. I start walking to the boat docks to write some more. As I'm walking I start looking through my music to change the song, I pick "King for a day by pierce the veil" and as I'm turning it up more I feel a force against me and I fall, drop my purse, and my phone and headphones go flying. I look up and see that a super cute guy was the culprit, but I didn't care.

"What the hell?!" I say half yelling, I start picking up my stuff as he says

"Sorry, I-I didn't see you there. Umm , my names Brady." He offers me a hand and I take it

"Its okay I guess. My names April." I reply with a smile growing on my face.

"Thanks for helping me up, umm see you around," I say just wanting to get to the docs, I was almost there. I start to walk away when he starts to follow me. Then he starts talking.

"So do you have a boyfriend? Ware, are we going? What are we doing tomorrow?

"Umm, no, I'm going to the docs, and WE are not doing anything tomorrow." I rolled my eyes, how could this guy, a complete stranger, just act like we've known each other forever?

"Correction, April is taking you on a date tomorrow night at 6p.m. I have to go now but I'll see you tomorrow,umm here's my number. Text me later, I'll be waiting." I watched as he walked away. I looked at where he wrote his phone number, on my arm. How sweet I think sarcastically.

when I finally get to the docks I sit down and start to write some more. After a while, I realize I was writing about how hot Brady was. God, he was George. After a while, i get up and I start to walk home. when I got out of the woodsy place by my house I realize I wasn't listening to music since my run-in with Brady. when I got home I went in my room set my bag down and flopped onto my bed.

I took my phone out and texted the number Brady gave my just to make sure it was him, when he responded that it was I made him sent a pic just to double check. when it all seemed legit I told him my address and the way to my house. I asked him a few questions and turned out he was 16, could drive, the favorite color was blue, loved being sweet and romantic, and was really hot. After I was done talking to Brady I took a shower and went to bed. it was already 11:00 and I were pooped.

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