Chapter 5 The party

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My outfit looked really cute. I actually really liked it. We got here about 5 minutes ago and people were already having a good time. I followed Aeron as we walked through the house, it was pretty big. It looked like a mansion from the outside and it was. The first floor was decorated in like an old victorian house. In the 'living room,' people were drinking, doing keg stands, and doing beer pong. We started going upstairs to meet her friend Sean, I guess this is his house and party. We got to a room with a closed door and Aeron just walked in!

"Ohh seen." She said in a sort of taunting way. After a minute a guy, I'm guessing sean, walked out of the bathroom. The room is huge, it has a big bathroom, the biggest bed I have ever seen and it must be 30 feet by 30 feet. And it was decorated like the rest of the house.

"Aeron! I'm so glad you made it!" They kissed each other on the cheek and he walked over to me "Whos your friend?" He looked me up and down and smiled in improvement. He was pretty cute.

"This is my cousin, April, be good now Sean, I wouldn't want to kick your butt for hurting her" she was sitting on the bed now, relaxing.

"Oh Aeron, I wouldn't hurt such an amazing beauty" he smiled at me, and reached for my hand "Let's get you a drink." He smiled again, he has a beautiful smile. He led me down the stairs to the living room and got me a beer. He got one too, I took a sip and instantly hated it. I think Sean could tell because he saw my face and laughed. I giggled a little bit and gave it back to him

"No thank you. I don't understand how you can drink this stuff." He laughed and downed both of them

"Iv learned to accept the taste." He smiled and handed me a cup of coke in it "I think you'll like this better." I did, I love coke. Sean took the bottle of coke, a vodka bottle, and another cup. He told me to follow him and I did. He led me upstairs through his room and on the balcony. He set the stuff down on the table and told me he'd be right back. I walked to the edge and looked up at the sky, it was beautiful. There were so many stars and the moon was big and high in the sky. I took another sip of my drink.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He walked up next to me and looked up.

"Yea, it is." I continued looking at the sky

"I brought some food and a blanket to lay on" he smiled and spread out the blanket and sat down, patting the spot next to him. I sat down and he sat between us, a medium sized plate with a few bowls of shrimp cocktail and small bread. I took a piece of bread and it was really good. After a while, we lay down to look at the stars and were talking. He lat me lay on his arm while he told a funny story. I rolled over laughing so hard. When I stopped we stared into each other's eyes. Then he kissed me, and I kissed him back. It was sweet and passionate. Then we pulled away.

"I....uh....have a boyfriend." I felt guilty

"Its okay I have a girlfriend" he smiled but I knew he felt the same way I did. We finished our stuff and went inside. He told my Aeron was asleep in her room and I shouldn't wake her up because he didn't want her driving us drunk. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and gave it to me since I had nothing to wear. I went to the bathroom to change then came out.

"Thanks." I smiled "Do you have another spare room or?" I pointed to the door

"You can sleep with Aeron if you want, or on the couch in here." He said with a half smile walking over to me

"I'll crash with Aeron. But thanks anyways." I looked up at him, he was right in front of me. He looked down and kissed my forehead.

He whispered "Goodnight April." And I found Aaron's room and played with her. Dang, this is the most comfortable bed I have ever laid in.

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