Part 3- Skype

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It's 3:05 and I just got home! I walked in my room ready to do my homework but then my laptop goes off.

*Ring Ring*

Someone was calling me on Skype and I bet I know who it is! Yes it is Jack calling me and I'm so happy! I answered the call and there he was at his desk doing work too.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Oh just some stuff for my job!" He replied

"Oh cool, I'm doing homework. UUGGHHH" I exaggerated

"Where do you work?"

"I'm a hotel manager. I went through 5 more fokin years of school for this!"
I laughed because of the way he said fucking because he had an accent

"What?" He asked confused

"Oh your accent! Where are you from?" I asked still giggling a bit.

"THE LAND OF THE IRISH LAD! WHERE EVERYONE IS A POTATO FARMER!" he joked around with me. We both laughed

"Stoop fokin distreactin' meh mate I'm trying' to fookus!" I said mocked his accent. He looked at me in a joking around mad face

"Ok but for real I do know some Irish slang I took it when I was a freshman!"

"Ok Miss. I know Irish because I took it for a year! Tell me some!" He then mocked me back.

"Well I know words like pint and gawkin... That's about the things I learned."

"Well that's good enough! At least I'm not speaking full on Irish to ya"

"Can you?" I asked curiously

"Ok! *ahem* Bhuel ní bheidh ort a thuiscint ach tá tú gleoite do do aois!" He blushed

"Huh?" I started to laugh

"Ahahah Irish class did ya good Jenell" he laughed too.

"So can I give your nickname a nickname because it would be easier to call you Jen?"

"Yeah it's fine people do it already!" I said. *looks at clock* "Oh shit it's already 6 o'clock! I have no homework done!" I panicked

"Well how about you just have me help you?" Jack offered "ok!" I said cheerfully and relived.

*one hour later*

"Yay we're done!" I got excited to talk to him more. I forgot my parents got home at 6:30 and then

"(Y/N) DINNER!" they yelled up for me

"Oh I guess I have to go Jack..." I got sad

"Thanks for helping me with my homework, and maybe I will call you when I'm done!" I said.

"Ok! I have to finish this paperwork and eat too!" He looked sad too

"Talk to you later Jen!"

"Ok! Bye Jack! Don't forget to text me tonight!"

"I won't"

He hung up and then a few minutes later his icon said

'Jackaboy is offline'

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