Part 6- Game Store issues

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I got 50$ saved for the new shadow of the colossus game and it came out yesterday! This is gonna be my first purchase in Ireland. The nearest game store is about a half a mile away so might as well just walk.

*20 min later*

I walk in and head to the PS4 section and I already see the display for the game. There was only one left in stalk and my luck I'm gonna get it. I walk over to grab it. I reach down and another hand touches mine. I look up to see them and I instantly see green hair and blue eyes. I blacked out.

*Beep Beep... Beep Beep... Beep Beep*

"She's awake!" I hear a man yell to someone.

"Ma'am What is your name?" the voice said trying to sound clear like they were talking to a partially def person.

"(Y/N), (L/N)" I weakly reply.

"Do you know what day it is?" Another question. Felt like an investigation or something.

"Saturday." I said a bit clearer.

"Do you know where you are?" He asked me.

I looked around taking in my surroundings and I had an idea of where I was but unsure of why.

"Well, it looks like a hospital." I replied


"Why am I here?" I asked a bit concerned.

"When you were at your last location you had a heart attack from unknown causes. Good thing there was someone there to help you. This man about saved your life." He explained to me what has happened and why I was in the hospital.

"Who saved me and how?" I asked really concerned because I might know who did.

"He is in the waiting room with your parents. Also you kinda lost a pulse and your heart stopped so he gave you CPR and saved your life." He explained

"Can my parents come in now?" I asked politely

"Yes. I will go grab them." He said while leaving the room and walking down the hall.

I've only been in a room like this a few times for small things nothing big like this. I feel super lost.

*5 minutes later*

My parents walked in with someone I knew too well. It was Jack. I looked at him and blushed heavily thinking that he game me CPR. We practically kissed, and I was dead. Wtf man.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" My mother asked looking concerned at me.

"Yes I'm alright Mom" I said annoyed but trying to sound genuine.

"Oh yes! (Y/N) this is Sean he was the man who saved your life!" My mother said looking at me then to him.

"Hello, (Y/N) it's nice to meet you!" Reaching his hand to me for me to shake it and I did.

"Thank you." I said meaning it and blushing heavily again.

"No need sweetie" he said giving me a warm smile.

"You know what." My mom said looking to Sean.

"Why don't you and your family come have dinner with us tonight and maybe we can all get to know one another." My mother offered politely.

"Well ma'am I don't have a family or even a girlfriend. It's a sweet offer would you mind if I came myself?" He asked nervous and embarrassed because he was a grown adult and no relationship or family.

"Of course! Anyway it is easier to get to know one person!" My mother lightened up the mood.

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