Part 9- Ice Skating

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"Here this place looks nice!" I pointed out.

"And it has all day skating" I stated once again.

"Yeah we can go there! It isn't too far." He said grabbing his coat.

"Ok. Do you drive?" I asked him hoping he said yes because I hate taxi's.

"Yeah! Now let's get going!" He said while picking up a coat off the rack and handing it to me.

"It's probably gonna be cold!" He stated the obvious.

We walked to the front door and he opened it waiting for me to leave. I didn't know he was a gentlemen. I walked though the door him following me out and locking the door after shutting it. He pressed a button on his keys and the car started. It was a nice car. It was a light blue Chevrolet Camaro. He walked to the can and got to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I got in and put my seat belt on. After he got in he started the engine and started pulling out of the drive way.

"Do you want to listen to the radio?" He asked me.

"Nah, I don't really like the music on the radio." I told him.

"Ok. Do you want to talk about anything?" He asked me awkwardly, noticing how weird I felt.

"I don't know... What was that whole attack about?" I asked nervous hoping he won't do it again.

"I'm sorry. I just got upset because I don't understand why you like me..." He said losing his energy.

"I do! I like you so much." I admitted.

"I like you too much to date you... You won't understand..." He told me focusing on driving.

"Maybe one day...." I told him and looked down to my feet.

"Yeah..." He said.

This car ride felt long and boring. Like I was riding with someone I hated. I didn't hate him. I was slowly falling in love. We arrived at the ice rink.

"Ok we're here!" He said smiling.

He opened his door got out and walked over to my side and opened the door..
He knows I'm mad at him why is he being nice. We walk in to the front and Sean pays for admission and our skates.

"What size of shoe are you?" He asked me while we walked to the people with the skates.

"(Shoe size)." I said upset with my shoe size.

"Heh." He slightly chuckled at my shoe size.

"WHAT!" I said in defense.

"Nothing!" He said still giggling still.

I laughed and we started walking towards the rink.

"So... Are you any good?" He asked while we entered the room.

"On the walls" I laughed

"It's ok I'll help you. I'm good at ice skating." He said

I walked to the entrance and got on the ice. I kinda walked to the wall and waited for Sean.

"Here give me your hand!" He said holding out his hand for me to grab it.

I grabbed his hand and got a right grip because I was afraid to fall. He started moving forward and I held on even tighter trying to get a hang of ice skating.

"See you got it!" Sean said looking to me smiling.

"D-Don't let go!" I told him afraid of falling.

"I won't" he said with a giggle.

"This is actually kinda nice." I told him smiling and looking up to him since I'm shorter.

"I'm glad your having fun!" He said.

"Yeah." I said looking forward.

"Let's go sit for a second!" He said kinda offering us to go. Since we were by the exit.

"(Y/N)..." He sounded serious all of a sudden. Did something happen? Is everyone ok?

"I'm sorry..." He said. But before I could say anything he grabbed me. I didn't see it coming by. I felt his lips touch mine. Pulling away I thought. I went back in. I felt his teeth biting lightly on my bottom lip. He pushed his tongue into my mouth only making me do the same to him. My face started heating up. He pulled away.

"S-Sean..." I muttered out.

"(Y/N)... I don't think I like you..." He said. My heart dropped and I started to cry already.

"I love you!" He finished and I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey I'll be right back!" He said

"Ok!?" I replied watching him run to his car.

I went on my phone and started going threw my Instagram and I saw a pic of Sean someone posted. I was confused but just left it. Sean came back running to me. He sat next to me.

"(Y/N)..." He sounded serious all of a sudden. Did something happen? Is everyone ok? Is he getting arrested?
He got on one knee and put his hand behind his back after pulling something out of his pocket. My heart started racing. I thought I was about to cry.

"I know we haven't known one another for long..." He continued.

"Will you make me the happiest man on earth and..." He stopped and pulled out a black box from behind his back.

"Be my girlfriend!" He finished and looked at me with a bright red face and smiling.

"Really?!" I asked to reassure because the ring was huge and it looked like real diamond.

"Yes!" He told me. His face still bright red.

"Well then, Yes!" I answered and jumped onto him and him catching me.

We skated for the remainder of the time until we got tired and decided to go home.

We got home and played video games. Sean made dinner. We talked. But, Every good thing has to come to an end. My parents got home and Sean left.

"How was your day (Y/N)?" My mother asked me

"Super fun! Can Sean hang out more?" I asked eagerly.

"If you keeps you good company!" She replied.

"He does! We have so much in common! We both like video games and books and dancing and ----" I continued listing things I liked to my mother.

"That's good (Y/N)!" She said smiling to me.

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