Part 5- Moving Day- Ireland Here We Come!

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'Morning my sweet' Jack texted me.

'Morning my Irish Greenie' I texted back

'Wyd' he texted

'I'm about to go pack'

'Oh cool! Have you seen the new Shadow of the Colossus game its coming out in a week'

'No way'


'Wanna Skype?'

'Yeah I'll call you!'


"Hey!" I say while picking up and folding a few articles of clothing

"Already working? Its only 7:30 in the morning." He said puzzled.

"yeah well I got good sleep last night thinking about you..." I blushed heavily

"Awwwe glad to hear" he smiled.

"So you are clearly into YouTube." I said smiling and changing the subject.
"yep! How'd you know?" He asked, puzzled.

"Well, remember a while ago you said 'woah, who did you just see? Markiplier!' I took a guess!" I said while he looked at me deeply

"Oh yeah I did say that didn't I." He said remembering what he had said before. "Yep!" I replied quickly.

"Sooo..." He said awkwardly and nervous like he was about to propose.

"What taste of guys do you have?..." I could sense his anxiety.

"Well I don't know, really all I care about is how much you care, and if you are nice. Personality is a BIG thing also." I said seriously and deeply. He looked at me like he never looked at me before.

"What?" I asked because the way he looked at me was worrying.

"Nothing!" he said shaking his head.

"What do you find in a girl?" I asked kinda mocking, but being serious.

"Same as you, kind, caring, loving, and fun" I smiled, trying not to be awkward.

I packed the rest of my things and we talked about whatever. I was ready to leave. I couldn't believe I was moving out of country and in the country Jack lives in.

*2 days later*

*Ring ring*

Oh Jack's calling me! And I'm just starting to unpack. I answer.

"Hey!" He said excitedly.

"Hey I'm here!" I said jumping up and down!

"So..." Jack said

"yes?" I asked concerned

"well can we secretly meet up? I would love too!" He asked eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Awe Sean.. I wish I could but I'm not ready.. Maybe when I make friends I will take them with me... By myself, I don't know what your capable of.". I felt so bad. His cheerful face dropped like he was just heartbroken or like he was stabbed in the back, literally.

"I understand..." He said after pausing for a minute. Looking down at his feet.

"Sean, I'm sorry, I want to so bad. I really do. I was just raised not to do that." I said trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah I know and I know how you can't trust most people." He said looking a bit better.

"It's wrong and I know it is Sean! I didn't want to tell you but I know that you might understand! I can't control myself like this forever! I can wait! I can wait until I'm an adult! I just can't hide it any longer!" I started crying at my own stupidity

"What are you talking about (Y/N)!" He asked concerned and afraid.

"Sean... Since I met you I liked you and the more we talk the more I like you..." I admitted hoping for a smile or even a 'yeah I like you too...', but nothing came out of him.

"(Y/N), I'm afraid to say the same as for me to say it is illegal. I like you, but when your older will we still be talking?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I said

"(Y/N), you should finish packing and maybe tomorrow we can talk." He said

The call ended and I didn't even get to say bye. Then Jack's Icon quickly said.

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