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hey hi hello i'm back in business! happy new year it's jan 1st new years eve was really chaotic and i threw up a lot but its ok because i'm here with a new fic yay! this is a ryden with some random background ships. 

so i deleted my last fic bc i didn't plan it right and i essentially gave up BUT this won't happen with this one. i started writing in present tense and although the plot in this isn't spectacular, it's a hell of a lot better organized than my previous failure of a fic. also i'll be trying to post every week or so but though i've got a lot of chapters of this written, i've got to work on some short stories for school but i can.... multitask with writing. it'll be okay.

this is going to be 15 chapters long and it's going to be absolutely fantastic. it's got a lot to do with books and sunflowers and somewhat evil boys named brendon urie. it's based off of the song "saturday love" by angels & airwaves that i love a lot. go listen to it. and try to enjoy the story.

1 -- [0101]

this light is slowly fading, like mail that was never dated, from towns that were burned and raided

Ryan's nervous. He hates feeling nervous because of the fake period where he feels okay but then his sweaty palms and flushed face and twisty stomach don't go away so then he convinces himself that there's still something to be worried about even though there's not.

So that's happening.

This time, he thinks he's nervous because he has to walk a different way to school and he's afraid that he's going to be late because he isn't exactly sure how to walk this exact way. He has to walk a different way to school because they're doing some dumb sidewalk construction on the usual street he walks on which is ironic because the creation of a sidewalk is preventing him from walking on the street at all. Ryan had previously decided that he doesn't like walking by construction sites and he'd rather get lost than have to walk by one. School starts in thirty minutes so Ryan has to leave in ten minutes so he has twenty minutes to pick his way through the collection of streets between him and the school.

He's not going to make it.

That thought plants itself in his mind, and he decides that he has to leave right now because he's totally and completely going to get lost. All he can think of is that he is so glad he doesn't live in a big city because if he did he would never ever make it to school. That's stupid, he thinks, because if he lived in a big enough city he could probably take the metro or a bus of some sort but then again he has no control over the way those things work and he can control the way he walks to school. Not much else.

Outside, it smells like earth and the air is heavy with humidity. Ryan sees no other people, no other cars, nothing else. He usually feels calm when he doesn't see any other people in the mornings, which means he can continue his walk in his own comfortable silence without having to talk to anyone. This morning, he's afraid that somehow everyone has suddenly died or it's a national holiday and he will go to school on the wrong day. He pauses at the curb, the division between his lawn and the street, and sprints back inside. There's a big expanse of grass in the front yard, and an even bigger back yard. Sometimes Ryan loves having a lot of land around his house, because it makes him feel more secluded from everyone else but sometimes he's afraid that there could be scary things hiding in the far corners of the lawn, and he gets terrified.

Scrolling around chaotically on the computer, knowing that he's already late to leaving the house, and sees the same big letters that he's checked back for every day.


It's so painful to look at, the big bold letters written in caps with all the exclamation points behind them. No one is excited about the start of school. Everyone loves summer, well, most people love summer. Everyone except for lonely students and lonely teachers and lonely humans who feel as though their existence at this certain point in time is ultimately useless.

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