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Yuuri waved goodbye to his parents, sister and friends, as he joined the queue for the plane. "See you in Russia!" he called back to them. Viktor kissed the top of Yuuri's head and he swore he saw Yuko spamming the photo button on her phone. They both handed the lady at the door their plane tickets, she scanned them under the machine and handed the papers back. Yuuri bowed a thankyou as Viktor opened the door. They walked through and followed the path leading to the stairs that were used to board the plane. Yuuri placed his shaking black boots onto the metal stairs and slowly started to climb. Viktor noticed this nervous behaviour and instantly remembered what Yuuri's mum said;

"Yuuri is actually very afraid of heights so if he isn't asleep on the plane he'll get nervous and start shaking non-stop!"

Yuuri froze as he felt something warm on his neck. Viktor had rested his chin on Yuuri's shoulder and tilted his head so his lips were facing Yuuri's neck "Shh, it okay," he whispered in a reassuring voice "It's going to be fine." He laced his fingers with Yuuri's and stood beside him. The younger looked up at his smiling fiancé, admiring how the light reflected off of his ocean blue eyes. he stood up on his toes and placed a soft chasse kiss on his lips before turning his head to the plane. He adjusted his glasses and continued walking up the stairs.

They found their seats and sat down. They had bought 3 seats so that they would be alone. Viktor sat next to the window and Yuuri sat in the middle. The Russian lifted up the armrest separating the seats making Yuuri fall face first onto Viktor's chest. At first Viktor thought Yuuri would push himself up with a face looking  like a tomato from the blush. but instead he wrapped his arms around Viktor's waist, pulling him in for a tight hug. It was Viktor's turn to blush at Yuuri's affection, not that he minded at all. he reached over his boyfriend and buckled his seatbelt as the plane started to move. He kissed the top of Yuuri's head and whispered "Sleep well, sweetie." as the younger fell into a deep state of sleep.

When they arrived in Russia, it was 3pm in Japan, but 9am in Moscow where they landed. A tired Yuuri stepped off of the plane wiping the sleep from his eyes. Viktor followed suit to stay close to him. They both stopped inside a coffee shop near the luggage pickup area and sat down at small circular table in the front right corner. "What do you want to eat Vi-chan?" Yuuri asked yawning at the end. they had to wake up early to fly to Moscow because the flight between the countries takes nearly 10 hours.

"Umm..." Viktor pondered "Surprise me." he said with his signature flirtatious wink. "Okay." the Russian handed him some money as he walked to the counter. When Yuuri turned his back, Viktor pulled out his phone and dialled up a number.

"Hello?" he heard the familiar voice on the other line. "Hello father," Viktor spoke into the phone "are you here yet?" he questioned. "I just picked up the suitcase." "Okay, I'll see you soon. " He hung up the phone.

He sat there for three minutes playing with his hair, braiding the parts that were long enough when he saw two familiar faces in front of him.

"Number 47!" the lady at the café called as Yuuri stepped up and grabbed the tray filled with food. He walked back to their table, admiring how good the food looked when he saw Viktor chatting with two people. A man and a woman.

The lady looked up from their conversation. "Ahhh, you must be Yuuri!" she exclaimed, standing up from the table with open arms pulling Yuuri in for a hug. he quickly placed the tray down on the table so the food and drinks didn't spill. "Yuuri, meet my parents!" Viktor informed him. after hearing those words, Yuuri retuned the lady's hug. as they pulled away Yuuri inspected every part of her. She had a clear, pale complexion, apart for the few dozen freckles dusting her cheeks. She wore a yellow dress with a blue cardigan that was two shades darker than her hair. Her eyes were also a crystal clear, ocean blue, reflecting Viktor's.

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