Meet... "Him"

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{A/N: I hope you like this story! If you have a suggestion on what should happen sometime in the story please comment, I'll give a  shoutout to who suggests the chapter at the end of that chapter. There will be trigger warnings. If there is this: ** before a paragraph then there will be a self-harm, talk of rape, or eating disorder type of triggering subject in that paragraph. If there is a ** at the end of a paragraph, the triggering subjects are over. Bold font is the voice talking in conversations. Also, I'll probably be using Twenty One Pilots pictures at the beginning of every chapter. The story doesn't have anything to do with them, I just love them <3}

Ruby's POV:

     The kids at school make fun of how I twitch and tremble, but little do they know I do it so "he" won't take over. Even "he" teases me about it. "He" says it makes me look like I'm insane, and that I should be in a mental ward. That's not the only thing "he" teases me about though. "He" always reminds me of how I'm not as skinny as the other girls, how I'm not as smart as I should be, and just over all how worthless I am.

     "He" is always there, nearby. Whether I can feel him, or see him, he's always there, waiting to strike whenever he sees the opportunity. "He" makes sure I'm self-conscious, that I have a low confidence level, and that I accept zero compliments (I don't get very many anyway).

     **I used to be able to get rid of "him" for a couple hours by singing and cutting. Now whenever I sing, "he" stands behind me, mocking how I sway back and forth, and making fun of my voice. When I cut, it's even worse. "He's" always there, sitting right next to me on my bed. "He" sits there and watches as I press the blade into my skin, whether it be on my wrist or thigh, and precisely drag it across the canvas, leaving a wide, straight gash smeared with blood. "He" simply looks down at the mess and smirks, "Do it again." "His" smile widens as "he" sees me press the blade even harder into a different area of skin, knowing it's going to be a bigger mess.**

     "He's" always telling me I'm not good enough, and that I have no purpose on this Earth, I can't help but believe him.

{A/N: Soo that's the first chapter. Sorry it was kind of short. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Think positive and stay alive |-/  <3}

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