Extra: A Memory

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This story takes place in between Oliver's two visits to the mansion.


There were many times Fukase wished he had actually lost his memories of his lonesome past. From his birth to the present, he had no friends and was never allowed to leave the mansion. In the past, his parents, for unknown reasons, constantly forbade him from going outside; in the present, a magical force prevented him from leaving. The mansion was the only world Fukase knew, and his parents were his only human interaction. Although his parents were affable, he felt that they never loved him since they always kept him locked in his home.

Fukase's only company was a strange white plush doll that his parents gave him for his birthday which they said was magical. The doll, which later revealed itself to be Point, was indeed enchanted as it saved the boy from a house fire and restored the mansion. However, despite Point's magic, the left side of the boy's face was still disfigured from the fire. Fukase woke up centuries after the incident and found himself in the unusual predicament he was in. He spent many repetitive, solitary years in the mansion until something interesting finally happened.

Recently, a young blonde boy named Oliver had stopped by the mansion. He was a very energetic child with a bright, cheerful personality. Despite the child's initial trepidation towards Fukase, he quickly warmed up to the redhead.

During his visit, Oliver sparked Fukase's curiosity and gave him the human contact that he had very much lacked. There had been a small number of visitors prior to the little blonde, but none intrigued Fukase nearly as much as he did. The child was constantly full of positive energy that even the decaying, lifeless mansion seemed vibrant and cheerful. Oliver's stay was short-lived, but it had brought joy to Fukase's otherwise dull time in the mansion.

Fukase continued to dwell in his thoughts and wondered if Oliver would keep his promise of returning for another visit. He had his doubts, and rightfully so, since the other guests never came back; they always lost their memories of Fukase as soon as they left the premises. Fukase always felt lonely and bored, but he was also great at masking his true emotions. However, at that moment, he felt weak and had difficulty not showing his dejection from the emptiness he felt due to Oliver's departure.

"Hey, kiddo! What 'cha thinking about?" Point climbed on Fukase's shoulder and broke his train of thoughts before it went any darker. "It's very unusual for you to be down in the dumps. Is something bothering you?"

"...Will I ever see Oliver again?" Fukase asked even though he already knew how Point would answer.

"Only time will tell, and you've got all eternity anyways since you know...you never age as long as this mansion is still here."

"I never asked to have 'all eternity' and this 'home' of mine feels like a prison. It always has." Fukase frowned and said the last part with a hint of frustration. "I wish to leave this forsaken place."

"I know you wanna leave, and I'm sure you will someday," Point tried to reassure Fukase. He paused a moment before he continued to remind the boy of the situation. "Lad, I'm sure I mentioned that the world beyond the mansion doesn't exist unless someone from the outside remembers you."

Fukase only remained silent and gazed into the endless darkness beyond the windows. He despised the convoluted conditions he must work with, but never openly complained.

"I know for sure that Oliver will return, so no worries!"

There was still no response from Fukase.

"If the past is still bothering ya-"

"Past? What past?" Fukase abruptly interrupted. "I believe you are mistaken, my dear friend, as I have no prior memories to when I first woke up here." He said coldly, but attempted to cover it with a smile. Fukase always detested thinking about his past and feigned ignorance whenever asked about it. His acting was so keen that even Point was sometimes deceived.

"Ah, alright. Sorry 'bout that." Point was taken aback by Fukase's sudden passive aggressive tone, so he dropped the conversation and just patted the boy's head to ease his discomfort.

"I highly doubt that Oliver will return. No one ever does," Fukase mumbled inaudibly.

"Did ya say something?" Point looked up expectantly.

"I'm quite bored of waiting here. Don't wake me up until someone interesting visits."

"Good night then, laddie." Point nodded and did nothing to convince the boy otherwise.

Fukase retired to his room and wondered whether or not he would ever wake up again. Sleep was not a necessity for him, but he did so often to pass away the time since there was never anything interesting to do. Even though Fukase was unsure of who the next guest would be, he discreetly hoped it would be Oliver. And so, he slept for an indeterminate amount of time, with an uncertainty of ever seeing the outside world.


Sorry if there are any inconsistencies with the main story.  I rewrote this two times and lost motivation halfway through, but I felt that I had to write this since I wanted to tie up some loose ends.  Hopefully this answers most of the things I left vague.

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