Part 1

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On a chilly autumn in late noon, Oliver was walking home contemplating the situation he had got himself into. He and his group of friends decided to turn trick-or-treating into a competition by having the person with the lowest amount of candy spend the night at an abandoned haunted mansion. Oliver was the tiebreaker since Len and Ryuto wanted to take the wager, but Piko and Moke did not. On a whim, Oliver had agreed to play. They had all decided to meet up at Ryuto's house before the competition started at 7 pm, which would last until 8 pm.

Once Oliver arrived back home, he realized that he did not even have a costume nor did he have money to buy one. He searched through his closet in an attempt to find something that could pass as a costume and eventually found his old choir outfit – a long navy blue coat with a yellow ribbon around the collar, a white button up shirt, black shorts, brown boots that reached the knees, and a sailor cap. He tried on the clothes and was half relieved to see that it still fitted him; he was also disappointed because this meant that he had not grown much this past year. The boots were a little snug, but he figured they were probably tight since he had not worn them in a while.

A couple of hours later, Oliver made his way towards Ryuto's house. He glanced at his watch as he approached the doorsteps. The time was currently 6:30, which was quite early so he figured that not everyone had arrived yet. He rang the doorbell, to which Ryuto answered, "Oh, you're finally here. I guess we're all here now since everyone else arrived early. Come in."

Oliver stared at the sight in front of him – Ryuto was wearing his green grade school outfit with some futuristic touches added to it. The green boy gestered to the blonde to follow him into the living room. Oliver chuckled a bit to himself at the thought of how Ryuto had not grown at all since his elementary school days. Ryuto noticed this and huffed, "Hey, it's not like you've grown either!"

As the two arrived in the living room, the others were playing board games to pass the time until the event. Oliver noticed that pretty much everyone in the group had very uncreative costumes except for Piko, who wore: silver headphones with teal lights, a long, metallic white shirt with black sleeves, black tights, black and white striped boots, and a long USB cord sticking out like a tail. Len's "costume" was a black and white sailor uniform with a yellow tie from his previous school, but with added futuristic modifications much like Ryuto's. Moke didn't even bother changing out of his regular clothes. Clearly, nobody except for Piko had planned on going trick-or-treating before today's discussion.

"What? You're wearing your choir outfit? That's so unoriginal, Oliver," Len blurted as Oliver walked into the room.

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Lazy. All you did was super glue some stuff onto your old uniform," Oliver retorted in reply.

"Don't worry about Len, he's been calling everyone's costumes lazy except to Piko," Moke said without even looking up from the board game.

During the down time, the boys played games and engaged in idle chatter. The atmosphere seemed so relaxed despite what was on the line. Even so, Oliver could not help but feel something creep into his fears.

About 5 minutes before the competition was scheduled to start, Ryuto instructed that they should all wait outside so that they can start smoothly. Everyone exited Ryuto's house and stood on the lawn and waited anxiously for the signal to start. Every moment that passed was tense and it felt like eternity in just those 5 minutes. At the tick of the clock striking 7:00, the game began and everyone split up into different directions.

Oliver ran around from door to door, but had the unfortunate luck of most people not answering. He decided to run to a different neighborhood in hopes that there would be more residents willing to hand out candy. As Oliver ran for longer durations, his feet felt more and more uncomfortable due to the snugness of his boots. However, he tried not to slow down since he felt that he was behind on the collection. For the rest of the hour, he glanced at his watch every so often and collected candy at a decent rate, but was still unable to shrug off the feeling of discomfort and unease in his mind. When the hour came close to an end, he made his way back to Ryuto's house to meet up again with everyone else.

It was no surprise that everyone made it back in time before 8:00, so no one was disqualified. The group's attention quickly turned towards Moke, who had 4 full bags of candy.

"That can't be did you get so much in such a short amount of time?" Piko stared at the candy suspiciously.

"I didn't. I paid some group of children to give me all their candy," Moke answered.

"That's cheating! You should be disqualified!" Len shouted angrily. He hated it whenever he didn't win.

"Technically, there was no rule against buying candy so I didn't cheat. You guys shouldn't have made such an oversight," Moke said and stared blankly at Len, who looked like he was about to burst into a rage.

"Well, Moke is right that he didn't cheat," Ryuto confirmed before Len was able to yell like a madman. "Let's just not count his candies since it's obvious he has the most. Now, let's see what you guys got."

Ryuto counted each person's candy bag one at a time while everyone followed along so as to not have any claims about it being rigged. Oliver's bag was last and so far, the order of highest to lowest was: Moke, Piko, Ryuto, Len. This last bag determined whether it was Len or Oliver that had to go, so both boys watched closely as Ryuto counted out loud. Once the last piece of candy was pulled out of the bag and no more were to be found, Len sighed in relief – Oliver had one less candy than Len. Oliver himself was unsure of how to feel and could only remain silent.

"Don't worry, since we're so nice we'll even walk you to the forest!" Len grinned mockingly and patted Oliver's shoulder.

When the group of boys made it to the outskirts of town, they bade Oliver farewell and wished him a safe night. Before leaving, Ryuto handed Oliver a camera to take pictures of the abandoned mansion. "Don't lose it or else you'll pay for it, assuming that you do come back alive," Ryuto said and walked away.


This is actually a oneshot, but I've split it into multiple parts since it's over 4k words.

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