2: Dès Vu

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Chapter Two - Dès Vu

A bout of turbulence jolted Wrenley awake and she subconsciously swiped her chin for drool with the back of her hand. She slowly raised her head of the shoulder it was leaning on with wide eyes, embarrassed to no end. She was even more surprised to see Liam wide awake and grinning at her.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't even mean to fall asleep on this flight." She leaned as far as she could away from him in her seat, as if making up for the lack of personal space she had given him during her nap. Why am I so embarrassing? she thought.

"Absolutely no problem, Lu-Wrenley. You looked quite tired and I didn't have it in me to wake you up." She smiled shyly at him, thanking him with a silent nod of her head. Raising her wrist, she checked the time on her watch.

"Oh, wow," she exclaimed, turning to peek out the window to see them nearing the ground already. "I can't believe I slept for that long. We're almost there!"

Although her words made her appear excited, she couldn't help the flutter of nervousness that grew in her belly. What if she couldn't make any friends here? What if no one at the veterinary office liked her? What if the apartment she found online weeks before turned out to be a complete disaster?

She brushed her worries away. She would deal with problems as they came. This was her adventure, and nothing was going to deter her from making the absolute most of it.

"Yeah, you were asleep for quite a while!" Liam chuckled. She turned her head to look at him and noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Your snoring kept the rest of the plane awake, though."

Wrenley gasped, horrified. "I did not! You have to be lying to me!"

Liam couldn't stop the bubble of laughter that escaped him even if he tried. "I'm joking, you didn't make a peep."

Wrenley rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder with her hand, pouting when he didn't even budge. What kind of machine was this guy?

"Whatever gym you go to, please let me know so I can get a membership," she said, still annoyed at her lack of effect on him. He cackled at her and shook his head.

"Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is you captain speaking. We will be landing shortly. Please make sure your seat belt is safely fastened and all belongings are underneath the seat in front of you." Wrenley made quick work of shoving her purse forward under the seat and noticed that Liam didn't have anything out.

"Did you just sit there the whole time staring at the ceiling? You don't even have your phone out!" She teased him.

He shrugged, looking at her. "I was content just relaxing. It's been a busy week." She nodded and turned toward the window, wanting to watch the whole descent down to the ground. She loved the way the sunshine peeked through the clouds, it looked so peaceful.

As Wrenley observed the clouds in all their glory, she had a precious sense of dès vu, the knowingness that the exact moment would become a mere memory soon. A start to a new beginning, a new leaf. She would look back at this moment and perhaps praise herself for making the decisions that led her to where she was. On the contrary, she may look back and think, What the hell where you thinking? Either way, she felt as ready as she would ever be for the great unknown laid in front of her like a notebook waiting to be filled. It was quite like a notebook, indeed. Pages of a story waiting to be developed.

Eventually, the plane landed gracefully onto the runway and as they were exiting the row, Liam asked her if he could carry anything for her. She politely declined, thinking that if her mother were alive she would have her head for being stupid enough to give a stranger her personal belongings. Although she had felt like she could trust him, she had only met him mere hours ago, after all. And that was not long enough for her to trust him with the only clothing she had brought with her.

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