3: Vorfreude

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Chapter Three - Vorfreude

"Come with us."

His voice was rough and deep, somehow she felt as though he didn't use it very often. She was confused at the effect his mere voice had on her, and it didn't help the weariness she felt about the man's actions.

Wrenley slowly nodded her head, unable to resist his request that sounded to her more like a command. Her cheeks flushed as she realized how intently he was staring at her again, and her head dropped down to escape the penetrating gaze. She softly kicked a rock with the tip of her shoe and found curiosity in the way the pebbles mixed and matched perfectly together to form the sidewalk beneath her.

His statement sent Ethan and James into action, as they quickly packed the luggage into the back of the SUV and climbing into the car, one in the driver's seat and one in the passenger seat. Liam walked around the car and took his place in the back. Thaddeus grabbed onto the handle of the door next to them and held it open, gesturing for her to go ahead. She did, taking his offered hand to help her up and into the vehicle. She enjoyed the crazy sensation that ran through her at the contact, as much as she wished she wouldn't.

She gracefully moved onto the middle seat, almost dreading the fact that Thaddeus would be sitting next to her. He was too much man. When he got settled and closed the door, she realized how completely tight the back row was, even in the extra large SUV. The heat radiating off both of the men next to her washed over her in a wave of peace. I could get used to this, she thought, suddenly at ease.

Wrenley concentrated intently on not letting any part of her body touch the beast's next to her, trying to avoid awkwardness. If he knew at all what she was thinking, he would probably throw her out of his SUV right now for being bat shit crazy. With that thought, she leaned ever so slightly toward Liam to avoid contact with him at all cost.

Thaddeus certainly noticed this and he bit back his thunderous growl while glaring at Liam. He got the hint, shifting as far as he could against the door next to him.

Ethan tilted his head back to look at her.

"What is your new address?" he asked.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Flustered, she pulled out her cell phone and quickly searched for the address in her notes. "It's in Northville, past the bridge," she explained, leaning forward to show him the map she had pulled up. "Wait, is that even near close to where you all live? It's a bit of a drive from here. I can seriously get a taxi, let me call one right no—"

"No." Thaddeus interrupted. Well, then.

Ethan studied her phone for a moment before nodding and turning back to start the car.

"The north side, huh? Close to us, then," Liam said to her, grinning from ear to ear. "We're only probably twenty minutes away from you."

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed, thoughts running through her mind of finding her first potential friends at her new home. When she caught herself thinking that, she quickly stopped herself. She didn't think she should want to be friends with these hunks. They were probably involved in some serious mafia business as far as she knew.

Which is why you're currently in a car with them, she scolded herself.

It didn't take long for her to start feeling awkward being the oddity in the group. James and Ethan had stayed completely silent since she had given them her address, and although Liam seemed more than happy to converse with her, the person in the car whom she wanted to talk with the most neglected to initiate any conversation.

While she was mulling over his silence, Thaddeus couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts and the image of her. His mate. He couldn't believe he found her and she was there, with him. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he felt this. . . anticipation for what was to come. He was elated with thoughts of their future together and was so focused on taking all of her in that he failed to notice the lack of conversation in the car.

Though Liam had linked him every single thing he and Wrenley had discussed on the flight, he knew he couldn't reveal to her that he knew all the information already. With that in mind, he finally broke the silence.

"Why are you here?" Thaddeus did not mean for the question to come across as rude, but as her eyebrows scrunched to meet each other and she refused to make eye contact, he knew he made a mistake, and he instantly regretted it dearly.

"You'll have to excuse him, Wrenley," Liam cut in quickly. "Thaddeus here doesn't get out much." Liam chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully at her.

"Uh-yeah, no that's okay," she stuttered, still not looking up at him. "I just graduated from a vet tech program, and I'm starting my career here."

Wrenley knew nothing of this man, yet she could sense every time his muscles twitched. She knew when he blinked, for she felt a wave of relief come over her every time his intense stare was cut off even for a moment. It confused her to no end and she had to concentrate to not let the sudden anxiety get ahold of her.

His hand slowly reached out, grasping her chin lightly and pulling it up until she met his eyes. The fireworks continued instantly, and she was deeply confused as to how a stranger like himself could cause for such a strong reaction from her. His eyes held regret, and they softened as seconds went by like he was trying to comfort her.

"Sorry, Love." His deep rumble sent another shiver down her spine and she pondered how a single, four-lettered word could have this affect on her. She slowly nodded her head, lost in his gaze.

They didn't notice the shocked looks passed between the two wolves in the front seats. Their Alpha apologized to no one.

Liam looked away from the two, letting them have their moment. He knew first hand how exhilarating it was to meet your mate, and he had no interest in getting in the way of that. As he surveyed the area out the window, he knew they probably only had ten or so minutes until they reached Wrenley's apartment.

You don't have a lot of time left, he linked his Alpha, daring to be bold. You better make a move or you're going home very disappointed. He wondered briefly if his Alpha would ever be going home as long as she wasn't there.

The three other wolves in the car stiffened instantly at the sound of the low growl reverberating through the air.

Don't forget your place, Thaddeus shot back.

"The diner." Thaddeus demanded, never losing eye contact with his mate. It wasn't a question. He wasn't asking if she was hungry. The more time he could spend with her the better.

No words were heard as they pulled into the small retro-themed diner. Thaddeus slid out of the car gracefully and held his hand out to assist her exit. When she expected him to pull his hand away, he didn't, and instead gently pulled her forward. They walked, hand in hand, into the diner and Thaddeus led them to their usual booth in the back corner, away from prying human eyes. Wrenley couldn't help her blush as both men and women studied the small girl walking with the beast of a man. Her hand tingled with sensation, causing a shiver to ripple through her.

Thaddeus could not recall a time in his life when he was nervous, either. Nervousness was simply absent from his Alpha genes. He was always confident, cool, and collected. But one look at his mate had his palms sweaty like a high school boy taking a girl to prom. How should he go about this? Should he try to impress her, or should he just try to act like himself? He wasn't even sure who he was anymore, in the thirty minutes of meeting his mate.

Thaddeus does not speak unless completely necessary.

He does not offer glimpses into his thoughts or his personal life to anyone but himself.

He does not give second chances.

He's cold. Without heart.

The moment his eyes met Wrenley's, he knew he had to change, and fast. He wanted to change. For her. He wanted to become the best version of himself for her. He wanted her to be happy with him, to love him. He knew that meant opening up to her, as slow as that process might be.

"So, Wrenley," he began, after settling into the booth next to her. "What's your favorite color?"

Great start, idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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