leaving (2)

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Kazu-chan's point of view

I was on my way to (y/n)'s house when I saw a bunch of unknown people carrying furniture from the house into a truck. What on earth? I pick up the pace and ran towards the truck.

Kazuto: Uh...Excuse me?

The workers just kept carrying the furniture,  completely ignoring my presence...

Butler:Young man.

I turned around and saw a old guy wearing a tuxedo,maybe he's a house butler but I never seen him before...

Butler: Little miss ordered me to give you this.

He handed me some sort of a bracelet with little beads. Hey , I remember this, I think (y/n)  made that during art class last time...

{Flashback-Two weeks before}

Kazu-chan's point of view

Kazuto: So~ Watcha makin...

(Y/n): Shh shh shh  It's not done yet.

Kazuto:Can I see~

(Y/n):Nooo, it's a secret .

Kazuto:What secret?

(Y/n): it wont be a secret if I told you , would it?

Kazuto: Pwease~~ (Please)

(Y/n): Get yo face off my neck.

Kazuto: But (y/n)~~

(Y/n): Go back to doin your own junk , I'll give it to you when it's done.

{End flashback}

I stared at the heart piece with 'Kazu-chan' and '(y/n)' carved into it... she put a lot of effort into this ,  didn't she? Right when the butler is about to walk away...

Kazuto :Hey!

He turned around and looked at me.

Kazuto: Where's (y/n)?

He didn't reply , I can see a sympathic look through his facial expression.

Kazuto: Where . Is . (Y/n) ?

He just stared at me then he opened his mouth .

Butler: Little miss specifically told me not to tell you.

What? Why wouldn't she tell me? WHAT wouldn't she tell me?

Butler: *long sigh*  Mistress (mother's name) is told to leave Japan to go back to (original country) under Madam (grandmother's name ) instructions. And since little miss is far too young to live on her own , Mistress will also be taking he back to (original country )

I stood there with a baffled expression. (Y/n) didn't told me she was going back. But she did act quite strange a few days ago.

Kazuto: Why didn't she tell me she's leaving?

Butler: Little miss seems to be quite concerned about you. Which is quite odd since little miss didn't seem like a person who would get attached to people easily. I can tell that you're a special kind of situation. As for the reason why little miss choose not to tell you , she probably knows what's best.

Whatever reason it is , (y/n) could've just told it straight to my face instead of just letting some old guy say it to me. I don't care , I want to hear her saying it. I want to know whether our friendship worth anything to her

Kazuto: Where did she go?

Butler: You're not serious are you?

Kazuto: Just tell me where she went!

Butler: if you insist , but it won't change anything.

Kazuto:I dont care!

Butler: The car left 5 minutes ago , go straight from that road , she probably haven't gone that far.

Kazuto: Thank you so much.

As I was about to sprint off ..

Butler:Hold up! Little miss says... she's sorry.

I just gave him a nod and ran off as fast as I could toward the direction he directed. (Y/n) sorry... I dont understand. That stupid girl...saying sorry doesn't help at all ? She could've atleast told me . If she could've done that I wont be running after a bloody taxi , feeling my lungs are trying to stab me to death and wanting to just break down and fucking cry my eyes out. Stupid!

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