Furikazan Guild

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Kirito's point of view

"If we die in the game , we die in real life"That phrase carved into my mind. I am still debating with myself wether its really or its just some sick joke be one of the people who produced the game. But whatever it is , still it's better safe than sorry to ensure our survival. To do so , we have to level up.I tugged Klein's sleeve and motion him to follow me but I can't find (G/n), I couldn't recognise her.

Kirito:Klein, follow me.

Klein noded and followed me . We ran out the arena. I saw alot of people start to loose it, breaking down and crying. Some of the players are even young kids maybe even younger than 12 years old. This is beyong f**ked up. We ran until we reavhed a small ally way of a small town and I told Klein my plan.

Kirito: There's a small hunting area in the town next to this town. If we hurry, we could level up . This way , we will be able to survive.

After Klein heard my idea, he seemed unsure, like he have some doubts.He scratched the back of his head akwardly.

Klein: Im not sure man. I came hear with some of my friends from really life, they are most likely still in the arena, sh*ting themselve. I should get back to them .

If it was only Klein it would be just fine, but if we were to bring along more people , there might be a chance of draging us down. Maybe I could- my thoughts got cut off.

Klein: it's fine man, from the look on you your face , you probably wont be comfortable in a group. That's okay, i understand. For now, we need to priorities our own survival. You go ahead, I'll head back to the arena.

I was suddenly overcome by guilt , if anything were to happen to Klein , I'm going to be the one to blame for not being by his side and helping him.

Kirito : Are you sure about this Klein.

Klein:Yeah , yeah , you don't need to worry about me . I guess I'll be fine with just the basic skills you taught me, I'll get aroud just fine.

I am still hesitating to whether go one my own or just join Klein.

Klein:Well, i should really get going.See ya.

Klein turned around and start walking to the other direction.Then he stoped on his tracks and turned back to face me.

Klein:By the way , Kirito...

Kirito:What is it?

Klein : Your real life appearance looks way better than your avatar.Just my type.

He gave a thumbs up.

Kirito: Hehe, that's un-called for.

Klein: Just trying to lighten the mood.

Klein turned his back again and took a step.I called back to him.

Kirito: That scruffy look of yours suits you better too.

He turned and smiled then went back to walking. I saw his shadow slowly disappearing to a distance.Well...i guess I'm on my own right now huh? So be it.

Back in the Arena , 1st Floor
Reader's point of view

I looked around to see whater i could spot anyone that would be able to help.From a distance, i saw a guy with red hair and a bandana on his head to match. Wait... i recognize that bandana,it was Klein.I shout out to him.

(G/n): Klein!

Klein:(g/n)?! Wow-uh sup?

(G/n): I've been looking everywhere for you. Hold up, where's Kirito?

Klein:Kirito...won't be joining us...he left.

(G/n): Oh...then what should we do now?

Klein: I guess the first step right now is find some people that we can trust and build a group so we could get stronger and survive. You dont happen to know anyone here do you (g/n)?

(G/n): Uh...no...I'm kind of a lost dog at this point.

Klein: Well~if you don't mind, you could join me and my group? That's if you're fine with being the only girl?

Joining a guild with me being the only female seems risky not to mention I'll be easily expose to dangerous situations like maybe rape. But at this point there's really not much of a choice, i either join with Klein and his friends or go off on my own but i am not yet skilled enough to do so. The whole period when i was here i did nothing to bring up my strength . so now, that is the only option to ensure my survival.

Klein: Don't worry about it, they might seem wierd at first but trust me, they are cool people. Plus~


He stared at me and winked.

Klein: i won't let anything terrible happen to a precious little cinnamon roll like you.

I rolled my eyes at him and he just snickered.With that , i joined a guild with a purpose to stay alive . The guild name is called:FURINKAZAN

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