A Shocking Discovery , Not Really (2)

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Reader's Point of View

I woke up to the sound snow being  crushed and saw Kirito and the near end of the whole we fell into , digging for something.

(G/N): Morning.

i said to groggily .

Kirito: Sup,Good Morning.

(G/N):So... Uh...What are you digging for?

Kirito: You will have too see to find out.

I sat beside him to see what he had found.After a few minutes of fumbling in the ice, he finally dug up something shiny which resembles an opaque  crystal.

Kirito: This is what we came here for.

(G/N): And what the hell isit.

Kirito: Well , my guess is that the dragon eat the  crystals we see up there and produces this thing in their belly.So,simply saying, this is dragon poop.

(G/N): Awww gross...you are not allowed to touch me after this.

he took his hand an bop me in the nose.

Kirito: Too late.

(G/N): Eeeewewew,Kirito!

Kirito: Hehehe , what? i cant help myself.

(G/N): You are gross you know that?

Kirito: Awww c'mon a was just messing around , im sorry.

I grab the dragon poop and rub in all over my hands to get all of its "essence" and rub it all over his face.

Kirito: Hehehe, Okay, now that's just rude.

Both of us sat there for a moment after we are done storing up our things in the inventory. Still pondering about our methods of escaping this place.Wait... since there is dragon excrement here...that means this hole is technically a dragons nest...In that case , if my guess wee to me correct , and dragons are nocturnal creatures...

Kirito : Uhhhh...(G/N) !! 

(G/N): What isit?

Kirito : Heads up!

I tilt my head upwards and right above me towered a 80 foot long mythical creature and it seem to be plummeting towards us with ridiculous speed.Well F*** me gently with a chainsaw.As i was in the middle of my internal monologue,contemplating about my life choices,Kirito grabbed me by the waist and pulled out his sword. In a blink of an eye we were soaring up the sky riding on the back of a dragon.As we finally left the hole his sword lossen and we started falling. But despite , falling to our undeniable death , the view from this height was absolutely breath taking.

  The shine from the sunrise with the light reflecting of the crystals made the view look ridiculously magnificent , its the kind of view that i would never thought that i get a chance to see ever in my lifetime.I guess with everything that i have been through i don't mind dying here.

Kirito: Yo (G/N)!!

i turned my head and saw Kirito smiling at me,extending out his hand and gesturing me to hold it.

No, i cant die here, i still have some unfinished buisness. I still need to tell him...Kazuto...

(G/N): Hey Kirito!!

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(G/N): Hey Kirito!!

Kirito: What?!

(G/N): I'm glad,that I've finally found you!!

Kirito: The wind is too loud and i have no idea what you're saying!!

It doesn't matter anymore does it. At least i put my effort and tried .I cant help but feel happy on the inside , being able to see him again , its something that i have never expect .Then again, the world is full of wonderful possibilities huh.I grabbed him by the shoulder and hold him into a tight embrace , savoring his warmth against the cold wind.Then wisper to myself.

(G/N): I missed you so much Kazu-chan.

With those words , i closed my eyes , waiting for my body to be engulf by the frosty white that's bellow us.

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