Chapter 2: What a Day

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Katherine's P.O.V.

Today was a beautiful day, and I was happy I chose to wear a white tank top, purple skirt, black leggings and white flats. I also strapped a pair of knives to my thighs for back up instead of a gun.

I made sure to wear my hair down to keep my face hidden as I made my way towards the 'Snack Shack' near the car park. I kept a good distance away from my target, but watched his every movement. Now I see why they chose the park, to use the public as a cover. That's not a bad idea but I still say its foolish.

I noticed that they were heading towards the 'Snack Shack' so I quickly went in. Besides a bored looking blond guy around twenty-two standing behind the counter, the place was surprisingly empty. As a plan was forming in my mind, I seductively started to walk towards him with a sway in my hips. Catching his attention, I put on my most dazzling smile causing his breath to get caught in his throat. I knew that my target would be here in a few minutes, so I had to make this quick.

"Hey handsome," I said sweetly bracing myself on the counter, while giving him a good view of my cleavage.

"H-hi," he stuttered out.

I chuckled, amused at his stuttering. I ran my hand up to his shoulder blade, feeling his body shiver under my touch. When he regained a little of his composure he gave me a charming smile and asked, "Can I help you beautiful?"

Giggling I replied, "Why of course you can!" Before he could reply I squeezed hard on one of his pressure points, making him go limp on the counter. I didn't have much time so I slid over the counter quickly, grabbing Eric (I saw his name tag) off the counter I gently placed him on ground. I slightly nudged him until he was on a shelf under the counter, feeling pleased he was out of sight.

Once all of that was handled, I got up and looked around for a disguise. When I found a hat that said 'Snack Shack', I smiled happily and quickly put my hair in a ponytail. Just as I put the hat on, the door opened revealing Rick and his buddies laughing. I looked around once more taking notes as to where the snacks and drinks are kept. I smiled to myself, now I won't look dumb if they order something.

Thinking I might as well put on a good act, I put on my most innocent face with a bright smile. When Rick noticed me, he smile creepily with an evil glint. I snorted loudly but coughed to cover it up. I swear he looked like a smiling chimpanzee, in a pink tutu, with a bow on his head.

Laughing internally at my silly imagination, I didn't notice him at the counter until he said,

"Hi sweetheart can I get six waters for my boys and a cranberry juice for me?"

Smiling sweetly I said,

"Most definitely, would you like some ice in your cranberry juice?"

"Sure, honey," he replied.

I did a quick scan over the price on the drinks menu, luckily I know how to work a cash register.

"That will be $8.95 sir," I said politely, not wanting to flirt like a bimbo.

Taking $20 out of his wallet, he placed it in my hand. Before I could pull my hand away, he locked eye contact with me, and smirked arrogantly, "Keep the change sweet thing" I just nodded smiling, "I will be at your table shortly with your refreshments" Making sure to put the money in the cash register, I quickly went around the back spotting a cooler in the corner. I opened it to find all sorts of drinks and water with a ice bucket inside.

Perfect, I thought. As I grabbed the six waters and put them on a tray, I looked for a glass. Locating one, I took the poison out of my bra and mixed it with the cranberry juice. I threw in a scoop of ice and placed it on the tray. I surveyed the room making sure I put everything back to where it was leaving no trace. Happy that I did everything correctly, I plastered on a smile. I walked out to the front. Making my way around the counter towards their table, I noticed they looked to be in a deep discussion but ended it as soon as they saw me coming.

"Gentlemen your refreshments," I said keeping up my act. I placed Rick's drink last, giving him a wink. I smiled at his goons, then walked away feeling their eyes on my ass. Instead of getting out of there, I went back around the counter to check on Eric only to find him sleeping like a rock. Shaking my head, I wondered how he would react to waking up under there.

I started wiping down the counter glancing at Rick as he started drinking his juice. As he started coughing violently, his men looked at him in concern. "Boss you ok?," said Goon #1.

When Rick could only shake his head, I put my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing. They all looked over to me suspiciously, and I plastered on a fake shocked expression.

"Well don't look at me pat his back or something, don't you see he's choking!" I exclaimed. I almost laughed when they looked at each other in confusion, and Goon #1 did what I said. When that didn't work and Rick passed out (well he's dead but they don't know that), they started panicking and shouting at each other. I kept my hand over my mouth, trying to hold back from laughing and to keep my act up.

Clearing my throat I shouted in a scared dramatic voice, "Someone please take him to the hospital, he's probably choking on an ice cube?!"

Everyone was silent looking at me, wow they're dumber than I thought. I gave them an expectant look, "Well?" I watched in amusement as what I said to them finally sunk in. Goon #1 and #2 struggled to carry Rick's body while Goon #3 opened the door. Looking through the window, I watched as they got in the escalade speeding off, maybe to the hospital. The other 3 goons ran to the Mustang and sped off the other direction.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst out laughing falling to the floor. I laughed for a good fifteen minutes before getting up, throwing the hat under the counter, and walking out of the shack. I made sure to turn the 'open' sign around to 'closed', but not bothering to take Eric from under the counter. Making my way over to my Burgundy Ducati R6, I pulled my hair out of the ponytail, put my helmet on, and sped off to my apartment thinking what a day...



Note: I'm trying please let me know what you think...

Trishanna :)

Edited by deviantminx 

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