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Ryden's POV

The last time I ate went out to a restaurant was with my parents almost a decade ago. We went to an Italian Restaurant a couple weeks before my turning. I remember eating the delicious pasta and bread whilst rambling on to my parents and both of my older brothers about how I wanted to be an all White Wolf. My mother's smile made me believe that I could be anything that I wanted to be as long as I could dream it. My father's hateful yet comfortable stare let me know that he would always look out for me no matter what. People can change even when you feel as if you know them completely.

My heart falls at the thought of the last few happy moments with my parents and older brothers. When they still viewed me as their youngest child and the boy they protected from all the bully's in the pack. Being the smallest amongst all the children my age my brothers became my hero's. That all changed though. All because they don't like my feline.

A small, soft whimper travels through my mind. My feline doesn't like the thought of our parents and siblings hating us. He believes our mate can help us to forget the pain. Personally I don't think anything will make the pain truly go away even if it is the love of our life trying to help it disappear.

Knock, Knock

I am pulled out of my past memories at the sound of knocking. Then Damon's amazing scent enters my nose and I know that it is time for our date. I am wearing white skinny jeans, a red graphic tee with a smiley face on it that hugs my small form, a red and grey striped beanie, and Avenger's Vans. All, of course, courtesy of Laken 'having my back' as he puts it. I kind of like it, so maybe next time he asked me to go shopping with him I will accept his offer.

I walk to my bedroom door take a deep breath, and I open it. I am pretty sure I am staring. He just looks so sexy. Black jeans that fit him just right, a leather jacket covering is plain white t-shirt. His smile just made him look even more handsome.

"Hey." he continued smiling. His short introduction made my knees weak and the butterflies currently taking up residence in my stomach flutter.

"Hi." was my brief reply to my handsome mate. He truly looked breath-taking standing there smiling at me.

"You look beautiful Ryden." he chuckled softly and kissed my cheek and the asked, "Do you want to head on out?"

My respond was gently nodding my head and looking up at him through my eyelashes shyly. He smiled and offered me his hand. I could feel my face heat up as I grabbed the offered limb. His hand was rough yet it was soft in my hold.

He pulled me down the stairs and through the kitchen passing nosy pack members with his head held high and my checks aflame. So the whispering will probably reach the whole pack by tomorrow morning. Just the thought hand my face going brighter. When we reached the front door he let go of my hand and opened the door and motioned for me to walk through ahead of him. My breathing hitched when I realized just how much of a gentleman he is.

Damon walked out behind me and closed the door and grabbed my hand again while leading me toward a black sports car. My curiosity got the best of me when I asked what kind of car it was. "It's a Corvette ZR1 2013 and this is my baby. Well I mean after you of course."

His response had my heart beating faster. I kind of wish he would stop complimenting me because every time he does I have this huge urge to jump into his arms and cuddle into his neck and vow to never leave that spot.

That sounds like a great idea. That was my oh so intelligent feline's agreement statement.

'Oh hush it up you' I responded back.

Damon walked me to the passenger's side of the Vette . Opening the door held it open for me. "Go on the car isn't going to bite." he laughed when he saw me a little hesitant. So I scurried into the passenger's seat of the shiny sports' car. After I was in he shut the door and jogged to the driver's side of the Vette and hopped in smoothly. The interior of the sports' car was a pitch black leather that was stunningly shiny just like the outside of the car.

"So where are we going?" I asked with excitement pouring out of my voice. I was kind of hoping that we would have a romantic dinner and then watch the sunset. Well that is what I imagined this date would be since it was decided that is was going to happen.

Instead of answering the rather simple question in my opinion, he simply smirked and stated, "It's a surprise," He then proceeded to put on his seatbelt and start the car. He revved the engine a few times and damn that sound was a beautiful one.

He looked over at me with his handsome smirk still plastered upon his face and said, "Buckle up, Beautiful." 

(a/n: sorry for the incredibly late update! I will try better with the next update, but in the meantime comment. vote. ENJOY!!)

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