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Damon's POV

Blood. It covers my hands. I am not registering anything that the Pack Doctor has said since he has stopped working on Ryden. Just seeing his wonderful eyes closed makes me want to shake him to wake him up from his sleeping state. Then I remember the one word that made me stop listening.


He's in a coma because he lost too much blood. All that is consuming my mind is the possibility of my beautiful mate never opening his eyes again. Never blushing at my perverted comments. Never talking animatedly to his best friend. Never graduating from the Pack School. Nothing. The thought just makes me want to close my eyes right alongside him and sleep forever with him.

Laken sits on the other side of the bed with tears stroking his red cheeks while clutching his best friends' paw within his slightly larger hands. His mouth moves but I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears that is the product of my wolf's whines. Whimpering, over and over again, Mate....Mate....Mate.

"Damon. Hey Damon! Listen up." The Pack Doctor shouts into my ears.

"What." My voice is rough and husky. That is a sign that my wolf is playing with the wall in my mind. Toying to get closer to his mate but I don't want to feel the sparks that with ignite the moment to touch my skin to his, while knowing he might not touch me back. 

"He is stable And I think the earliest he will wake up is in a week and the latest would be a month." The doctor states in a gruff voice.

"What if he doesn't wake up after a month?" I ask wanting to know everything.

"The chances of that are very slim, but then there is no telling when he will wake up if he doesn't within the next month. He has two broken ribs, major blood loss, a broken ankle, and went under while in his feline form. So being in his feline form will make the healing process faster and speed up his recovery. I am positive he will wake up within the next month, Damon."

I say nothing to his assumptions and finally give up on the not touching him rule I've made. I reach out and stroke his side stopping just above the scratches enforced by the now dead rogue. A cruel thought of wishing that I kept the rogue alive so that I could torture him until my mate wakes, and then killing him after my reunion with my gorgeous mate.

I shake the thought because I know that Ryden would instantly be very mad at me when he found out. He wouldn't care that it was a rogue or that that rogue tried to kill him. He wouldn't want anyone to be harmed because of him. I could just feel the selflessness rolling off of him when he jumped on top of the rogue to save me from the surprise attack.

I wish he wouldn't have done that. I could feel the second rogue's eyes basically burning my flesh in his mind. I could feel him getting closer to me, but then I heard Ryden shifting. I didn't have enough time to finish off the first rogue before the damage was done.

My beautiful mate won't wake up for a month or maybe he won't, and it's entirely my fault.

"Damon." Laken spoke to me in a cautious voice.

"Yes?" I question him.

"It is not your fault. I hope you know that, because Ryden will kick your ass if he finds out that you think it's your fault." His statement actually manages to bring a small smile to my face.

"Yes, yes he would. Although I don't think he could hit anyone. He would probably verbally attack me even though it is my fault."

Laken's smile disappears, "It isn't your fault." with that off his chest he just looks back down at Ryden's feline form and strokes his side with a troubled look on his face.  I can tell he wants Ryden to wake up as much as I do. Sadly I don't know how I will face him after I failed to keep him safe. I just know I will do anything for him to just open his beautiful eyes again.

I lay down in the bed next to my mate's feline form and clutch him to my chest. For some reason the Goddess lets me get some sleep tonight.

*               *               *               *

Two weeks.

Two weeks I have lied beside my mate whilst in this horrible state. I have prayed to the Goddess many times over; praying for her to help my mate recover. I have accepted the truth of this rogue incident being my fault.

Looking toward my mate still in his feline form, and wishing for his health to be returned to him. Laken comes and goes whenever he wants to visit. Sometimes he is only here for a couple minutes before he walks out silently, crying. Others he will sleep in the chair on the other side of the bed from mine with Ryden's paw in his hand. I always sleep next to him. I also have not left this room since to moment I brought him in.

My father comes whenever he can, urging me to leave the hospital room and to take care of myself. 'Ryden is not going to be happy when he finds out you are not taking care of yourself' he says, 'Go for a run, it'll help your wolf' he says. I say No.

I will not be leaving my mates side so long as he is unable to breath by himself. I know he will be mad when he wakes but I will not leave him.

"Doc says that his ribs are all healed, and that he thinks he will be waking up so-" Laken says as he come into the room though he is cut off by the voice of my father's Beta, Drake.

"Rogue's! There are at least 30 of the bloody beasts heading towards us as we speak," I can feel my wolf's rage building, "I suspect that word of Ryden being a feline has gotten toward them." with that comment my wolf and I are one, and I can feel him break the wall inside.

"What." I say before I start shifting and darting out the door toward the rogues that darn come into my territory and try taking my mate. Nobody can take him. He's MINE.

My beast roars at the first rogue he sees. Pouncing on it, my wolf and I have its throat between my jaws. CRACK, goes his neck. One down, all of the other rogues left to go.

(a/n: Here you go lovelies. I hope you like it. Comment. Vote. Enjoy! XD

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