Chapter One: Meet the Wish Granter

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January 17, 2017. This could be my last day. I stood on top of a stool, and right in front of me hangs a noose, ready to seal my fate. As I wore it around my neck, I feel its fibers scratch my sides. Then I breathed in and out, and toppled the stool over. I can feel the breaths stolen from me, the restricted pathways of my trachea, and the struggle to see clearly. Is that my cat, meowing? I thought what his meow could meant as the daylights are slowly replaced by the cold, damp, blackness.

Death... is incomprehensible. Like you are in a empty space with no light. Just complete nothing. No whispers. No demons who screech like banshees that torture your soul, or angels that sings aleluia in praise. Just pure deafening sadness. It's nibbling at my sanity, like how a rodent would slowly nibble on his freshly stolen food. It makes me feel restless. It makes me feel alone.

"It's a waste. You're a good child who lost his way. I'll give you another chance, and a little push to get you started on your real path.

I will give you the ability to hear the wishes of the heart of every person near you, may it be someone you have known for years, a newly made friend perhaps? Or a complete stranger that needs a person to listen to him; but with this, you also have the responsibility to make this wish come true. There is a certain time period in wherein you should  complete the wish, from a span of a week to some attributing to a year at most. If you fail to complete this, the person whose wish was heard, will start a path to his ruin.

Remember, all of us, are connected in a big circle, what we do to ourselves, affect the people around us, and what we do to other people affect ourselves. I wish you luck, my boy."

Who was that? And where could this voice come from?

I woke up, seeing white. I thought, maybe I got teleported to heaven? Though, I shouldn't be here. Suicide is a sin in itself, my gradeschool teacher once told me, when a friend of mine jumped of her house because she didn't get an A. The teacher said, that people who commit suicide, go to hell because they sinned against God. My poor friend. She must have been tormented down there.

My thoughts were cut when I started to hear a buzzing sound. Then I started to hear the beeping of machines. I started to notice an IV drip connected to my arm, and oxygen tubes inserted on the opening of my mostrils. I looked to my side and saw my mom, lying on two chairs she connected just so she could sleep. I ran my thin arms on my neck. I can feel the bruises caused by the tightening of the rope.  I licked my lips, which were dry. I tried to speak, but my voice came out hoarse. This is bad, she won't hear me.

And she stirred and stretched. It must be awful for her to sleep in there. Those chairs are made of plastic after all, and plastics rarely give us comfort. Her makeshift bed is a few inches away from mine; the chairs were leaning onto the hospital wall so forget about trying to nudge her.

"Denver? Oh, Denver you're awake! Nurse! My son is awake! Come here immediately!"

And she hugged me, akin to stranggling me. Her ams are hitting the bruises on her neck so with my scrawny arms, I pat her back, signalling that she is killing me, and she doesn't seem to get the point. The nurse comes in with the doctor and introduces themselves.

"I am doctor McKenzie, and this is beautiful young lady here is Nurse Dana. The ambulance brought you to the ER, unconcious and half dead, with your lower limbs paralyzed and your lungs shrinking due to the lack of oxygen...."

Their voices began to blur as I start to hear a single tiny voice.

"I want my children to appreciate the hard work I am doing. That what I am breaking my back for was to give them a good life, especially my son Denver who feels like I neglected him due to my busy schedules and overtimes."

"I want to be recognized as a good doctor and a good successor to my father, who owns this hospital."

"I wish that Doctor McKenzie should stop being like his dad, and be himself."

The nurse snaps me back to them.

"Are you listening?"

I just nodded, even though i didn't understand a thing they said. Soon enough after checking if i was breathing right, or if i hadn't pulled the IV off, or hacked my skin, they left me to my own devices. My mother excused herself to go to the bathroom so practically, I am all alone. I drifted to my thoughts, back to that tiny voice i heard. Basing on the way she called me, it should be my mom. Then the second should be from the doctor. And the third should be from the nurse. So if I am hearing their wish, then it was true! So that time I spent in the dark was true!

My head hurt so badly from thinking what to do. I was planning to ignore it, but I remembered his warning. So... I have no choice but to comply.

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