Chapter 2: Make A Wish

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I got discharged from the hospital. Horray. I started to walk home back to our boring, plain looking house. But I still don't understand, why I am given such a burden? What is the relation of that voice to this ability? Well, never mind, I don't need to know anyway. This time I will make sure that I would get it right, and finally get a peace of mind.

But, everywhere I walk, I can hear different tiny voices expressing their desires. Like how the actual fuck would I help these people?  I just crossed a street and tried to pretend I am deaf or something. Damn, their wishes are killing my ears.

"I wish that I could get a house..."
"I wish I could see my grandfather one last time...."
"...I want to be famous..."

It's driving me insane! I covered my ears, trying to block all these voices. It makes my head hurt like hell!


I screamed in the middle of the pedestrian lane. All the pedestrians looked at me riddiculously. I wish a crack would open below and swallow me whole! They started to murmur. Others started to laugh at me. Their faces began to blur in my eyesight. I retreated to a fetal position, trying to protect myself from the gaze of people. Why don't they leave me alone? WHY! To hear wishes isn't a gift. It's a shitty curse.

"Just stop, please."

I began to murmur. Then suddenly, a girl with a loud hair color tugged at my arms and pulled me up. She removed her headphones and looked at me.


And she began to run away. I found myself running alongside her, away from the snickering crowd, away from their demeaning gazes and mocking stares. I got too engrossed into running that I arrived at our front porch, only to realize, the girl isn't with me anymore. With a twist of a knob, I entered our house. It is as empty as before. It's still as spic and span as ever. There's not even a dust on the ledges.


My cat began to rub herself on my legs.

"Oh Adrianne, I missed you kitty. Have you been eating? Or maybe that meow probably meant, feed me hooman?"

I talked to my cat like she's a normal human. And she responds too.


And she began to gently scratch my jeans, signaling me to give her a hug.

"Aww, kitty missed me so much."

I love this cat. She just knows what I need the most. And I immediately walked to the kitchen and grab a tin of cat food. But as I was about to open the can, I saw her kitty bowl was still filled with food. She hadn't touched it. I placed her down and assured her that I wasn't going to leave or kill myself. She began to wolf down her food. She must have been really hungry. I wonder, if I managed to kill myself, will my mother still feed my cat? After finally finishing her food, she followed me to my room and curled at my bed. She stared at me like she is watching me. I went to the bathroom to get hydrogen peroxide and drink it to the last drop, but my cat immediately scratch the door and meowed loudly. Seriously, I was just out for a couple of minutes. I opened the bathroom door and she saw me holding a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She hissed at me. Wait, she never hissed at me before. I tried to get close to her but she hissed again. I decided to put down the solution and give Adrianna a cuddle. And surprisingly, as I placed the bottle down she stopped hissing and became the amiable cat once again. She never have been this bipolar before. I grabbed the bottle again and she started hissing again. Then I placed it down and she became friendly again. I repeated the exercise and I am surprised to see the results are the same. She is not hissing at me. She is hissing at the bottle. I guess I can't kill myself that way then. So I grabbed the blade inside my drawer. She hissed at me and tried to scratch the blade away. This cat is riddiculously strange. She hissed at almost anything that I touch that could hurt me, and in the end, I just laid down and stared at the ceiling. She jumped on my bed and curled beside me. I embraced her.

"Oh Adrianna, what should I do with you."

I kissed my cat and slept.

I am standing in a beautiful lush area. The haphazardly shaped lake reflects the lovely, soft rays of the moonlight. I decided to walk towards the lake when i notice a woman standing in from to the lake, in the directin where I was walking. Her back was facing me.

"Aren't you quite ungrateful?"

She said, not even turning to face me. I decided to hide amongst the trees to hide. She must have thought I was going to take a peep. I heard her sigh. Her voice... sounds familiar.

"There's no sense in hiding amongst trees, Denver Grace."

So I revealed myself, and tried to explain.

"I am really sorry ma'am, I did not meant-"

"I don't mean that, Mr. Grace. What I meant is, you wasting the second life I gave you. Even cursing my gift! It's a wonderful gift!"

Goddamit. She was the one... the one who was talking while I was lost in the darkness!

"You have to take it back! Being able to hear them is driving me insane!"

"You ungrateful kid. You don't even know how to say thanks. I am the one who brought you back. I gave away one of my lives for you to live, and now, you do this!"

She screeched. She turned around to face me. She had a mask on her face. But I can't forget her eyes. The other iris was frost colored, while the other was as green as the leaves. Maybe if she took off her mask, she would be breathtakingly beautiful. I steeled my heart.

"Who said I wanted your darn life anyway? Did I ask you to do that?! So take it back, and let me fucking rest!"

She sighed.

"It was not meant for you. It was meant for me.  Take this pocket watch. This will tell you how much time you have left to grant the wish of a person."

And she handed me a glass watch. Or is it diamond?  I scratched my head.

"How do I even used this? And hey, I didn't even say yes, so why are you burdening me with this?"

She stared at me. She mumbled something incomprehensible and is almost similar to my cat purring.

"Once you open the watch, close your eyes and think of the person whose wish you heard. His name will appear on the cover of the watch and will show you how much time you have left. You have to wake up soon. Good luck."

And she blew a whitish powder on me and the scenery started to blur out.

I woke up, with my alarm blaring in my eardrums. My cat toppled it over from my desk, looking at me with her strange discoloured eyes. The doctor said that it was a defect, but it made her look more astounding than any pet I have ever seen.

"Yes, yes, I am now awake, no need to knock stuff over."

And I stood up and got ready for my internship.

"Oh boy, this will be quite a long day. Good luck to me, I guess."

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