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Every good rebuttal, begins with a definition.

Stereotype. Noun. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Note those words. Those specific words. Widely held. Oversimplified. Nowhere does it say truth. So, although you may use stereotypes to establish an initial opinion of someone, let that be where it stops. An initial impression. At a glance; but don't make any assumptions using the stereotype as your only evidence.

I for one, am tired of being shoved, brutally into a box. A box that I do not fit, nor belong in.

Like trying to put a hexagon in a square frame...and when it doesn't fit, you start to cut away the parts you don't like, want or 'need' so it fits into your perfect little frame.

I may be a science student, and I will not deny that I have a passion for mathematics and science, but that does not, by any extent, mean that I have distain for the humanities or the arts.

I dance, as many times a week as I possibly can. I am a musician, a violinist first, and a pianist second. I am enamored by the history of the world, and I will read about every year, month and day of our history; if we can't understand the past, how can we move forward?

How dare I be multifaceted. How dare I have more than a single interest.

I don't know.

How dare you try and ignore my other interests so I fit into your perfect little frame.

I don't want to.

Just because I am female, doesn't mean that I am bossy, assertive when the situation calls for it maybe, but never needlessly bossy.

Just because I am female doesn't mean that I love the colour pink, enjoy wearing dresses or am constantly on a diet to look good for any male attention. No. I don't even like pink, most times I was forced into dresses, and if I want to look good you better believe it's for my own personal satisfaction, and you can be damn sure that my diet is not dependent on anyone but myself.

"Women are meant to be the damsel in distress; never the hero"

Trust me, I am more than capable of taking care of myself; you interfering, will almost always make the situation worse or needlessly complicated with your 'help' and 'protection'.

If I need your help, your guidance, your protection, I'll ask. I wasn't born a mute.

There are so many more stereotypes, labels that are slapped on me everyday...but I don't have the time or energy to address them.

I am more than what you see or perceive at first glance.

I am an original, not a cluster of stereotypes.

The Video: The inspiration behind me writing this in the first place. Who we truly are is not skin deep.

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