Chapter five

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Alice's pov



Ugh. whatever is making that noise need to shut. I tried to open my eyes but it was to bright. " come on Alice open your eyes, please", someone asked. After two minutes I finally got my eyes to open.

"Adam?", I asked. my throat hurts really bad. "yes", he asked. "water", was my only reply. His eyes widened and he ran out the room only to return in less than a minuet with a big ass thing of water. I took it from him and basically inhaled it. "How long have I been out?", I couldn't help but ask.

"2 weeks, 4hours, 30 minuets, and 19 seconds. I looked at him in disbelief . "How do you know?," I couldn't help but ask. I mean if someone was to tell you the exact time you were out, most people wouldn't believe them either. he got up and left the room, only to return a couloir seconds later with his phone. "look at the stop watch", he said. when I looked at the stopwatch I was astonished. not only because it said the exact time that I was apparently out, but because he cared enough to keep tabs. "can we go for a walk?", I oh so randomly asked.

"How come?"

"Because I want to get to know my mate", I said with pride. I swear I saw his face light up in happiness. and love?No, I must be reading his facial expressions wrong. there's no way he could love someone as broken and ugly as me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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