The Fault in Our Stars: Epilogue

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Ok so John Green said that he didn't tell what would happen to any of the characters after the book so I made my own ending to it. he said that this would be the way we wanted it to be so this is my ending. ((sorry for the grammar errors and stuff I need to fix them))

After The Fault in Our Stars

I will write an ending for you, just as Gus did for hazel

hazel does die a few weeks after she gets the letters, Isaac meets a girl and they fall in love and Isaac gets married and grows old with her, but back to hazel she passes away a few weeks after lidewij sends her the letters in the mail, these letters are put into her cassette and before she died, her mother took her to crown hill cemetery to pick out her plot, which is next to Gus's, her only love. hazel is buried in her dress she bought for her birthday, she was buried with An Imperial Affliction, Gus' letters, Agustus'

book they enjoy, ( I can't remember the name) her bear, poems, photos, the band her and Gus listen to,( I also can't remember the name) the photos of her and Augustus on her phone and the photo from the day they egged the car Although, her funeral is sad (well because she died) but also happy because she now is with Gus and they are happy together and she is out out of her misery. her funeral was small the kids from the support group came, Gus's family, her doctors and her friends from school and obviously her family. Isaac speaks, along with Peter, also Gus had written a speech about hazel that Gus's father wrote. Lidewij travels to attend her funeral. and you would think hazel's father would be more worked up than hazel's mother, but at the funeral it was the opposite. hazel's mother becomes a social worker and is really great at it. ((better than Patrick)) Gus and Hazel's parents become good friends after their children die and they think of possible outcomes if both of them had lived, and if they would have become in-laws. even though they didn't get married their parents acted like they did. Hazel's parents stay together and eventually die of old age. hazel and Gus were together. and they got to tell eachother I do. in the end. and they did. they lived together and this time they had nothing to worry about, and it was infinite. okay? okay.

idk this is how I thought of it and that's how it's going to end for me. I literally cried for at least 30 minutes about Augustus dying in the book it was so upsetting. okay I hoped you liked my ending.




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