Chapter Five

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(I don't own the video)
Ember POV
After leaving the office I heard someone come up behind me and I turned to see Felix come up to me and walk next to me.
"Hey, so we're partners now right?" He asked
"Yeah, why?" I responded not stopping
"Well since you know my name, I thought you could tell me yours" he said in a coaxing voice I looked at his face and made sure to notice every detail that I could see: his 'used car salesman' smirk, the intelligent gleam behind his eyes, the smug look that said 'I can get anyone to talk just because I'm charming' that I knew was going to be incredibly annoying and helpful during investigations.
"Ember" I said looking away and continued walking.
"I meant your real name." He replied his charming smirk not leaving his face. Two can play at that game. I thought smirking.
"I'll tell you my real name when you remember yours." I said in a honey sweet voice smiling.
"Well played princess" at this I stopped and wheeled to look him in the eye. Shooting him a double barrel death glare I said,
"If we're going to be partners we're going to have to lay down some ground rules: under no circumstances are you to ever call me anything other than Ember, got it?" He nodded and I continued "Seeing as I'm a higher ranking SHIELD agent then you I'm in charge for when we go on missions, at no point in time are you to ever get in my way on a mission, we're partners but only because I'm under orders to work with you that doesn't make us friends so after a mission don't expect me to hang out with you for any reason, referring to the last one there are two things to add one is that I work better alone so unless it's essential to the mission you can expect that we'll be splitting up and two is that I have a very strict policy about not dating partners so if you so much as think about flirting with me I'll send an immediate complaint to director Coulson we clear on that?" He saluted saying
"Crystal" I rolled my eyes.
"Don't salute ever we don't do that here unless General Talbot or someone else from the military swings by, finally, and this is the most important rule I will ever tell you, don't ever and I mean ever go into my room if you value your life. Any questions?" I finished giving him a 'ask something stupid, I dare you' look at first he didn't say anything but then he asked
"What exactly would happen if I were to go into your room?" I gave him a sugar sweet smile and in a tone that dripped with sadistic joy said.
"Well let's just say that if you ever set foot into my room I'll see to it that you wish Coulson had let me shoot you back there, m'kay?" Then once again leaving the slightly horrified looking boy standing in the hallway while I walked down the hall to my room.

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