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(double update because new book hype, am i right? no? sry)

(OH and a warning??! this chapter contains mentions of eating disorder..ok)

Mark had been okay for a long time, his relationship with Jackson was better than ever. Well at least in his eyes, anyone else would call it insane how Jackson could boss around Mark like his own puppet but the older didn't see that. He was blinded by love.

Jinyoung saw it though, he saw how Mark would get sad when Jackson cancelled their plans and how heartbroken he was when Jackson ignored him at the campus sometimes because he was talking to the "popular" people and Mark would be a bother. Jinyoung noticed how Mark was eating less and less but never mentioned it until Mark litterally ate nothing to lunch one day.

"Mark hyung, why aren't you eating?" Jinyoung asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm not that hungry, it's fine Jinyoungie" Mark said with a smile and even though Jinyoung's heart fluttered by the nickname, he wouldn't give up that easy this time.

"No you have to eat, here have some of my food" Jinyoung said and gave Mark the sandwich from his plate.

"No really Jinyoungie, i'm okay" Mark said and denied the offer.

"Well i'm not so please just have this sandwich?" Jinyoung said and tilted his head as cutely as possible so Mark would give in.

He seemed to consider it for a moment but realised something and quickly denied it again before excusing himself to go to the toilet. But Jinyoung wasn't having it today, he followed after the older out of the cafeteria and in to the bathrooms.

Mark stopped in front of a mirror and looked at himself, only seeing ugly and fat. And only seconds later he was drowning in his selfhate, he felt a tear drop down his cheek but he didn't know why he was so sad all of a sudden.

"Mark hyung?" A familiar voice said and Mark quickly wiped his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Jinyoung asked with panic in his voice and hurried over to the black haired male.


"I can see your tears Mark"

"Shut up"

"Why aren't you eating lately? For real" Jinyoung finally asked and Mark took a shaky breath.

"Jackson told me that i should lose some weight..that i've gained a lot and i'm less attractive than usual.." Mark said as quietly as he could, almost talking to himself, but somhow Jinyoung heard it.

"Oh no baby" Jinyoung said, he only got to call Mark 'baby' without him getting pissed off on special occasions, usually when he cried.

"H-he's right though" Mark sobbed, now crying into Jinyoung's shoulder. It hurt him so much seeing Mark like this and he knew that he deserved so much better but he could never say so because he didn't want to lose him.

"Baby, i know that you love him but he isn't always right and this is one of the times he definately isn't. You're perfect okay?" Jinyoung said in the calmest voice he could manage, even when all he felt was rage against Jackson right now.

Mark just nodded slightly and Jinyoung held him close for some time until they let go and Mark wiped his tears.

"Let's go and get you some food now" Jinyoung said and dragged Mark out of the bathroom and back to the cafeteria.

The only thought that kept him going was 'he will realise it soon, right?'.


i litterally made jackson to a whole other person in this, usually i like to keep some real personality but this is not the jackson we know and love hah

anyways, hi?

- M

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