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Mark was beaten.

He was abused, he was played with and he was aware of it. He knew that he was Jackson's toy. He knew that Jackson brought home other people when he thought Mark was sleeping, but how would he know because they didn't even sleep in the same bedroom.

He noticed that Jackson was starting to get tired of his toy so he used Mark to let out his anger instead. Mark didn't feel human anymore, he went from sex doll to punching bag but he never realized until now. Somewhere along the way Mark started to realize what Jackson was doing, how he was using him everyday.

He wanted to escape.

But he didn't have the courage.

Until today, today was the day that he was going to go back to Jinyoung, to beg for forgiveness and to hopefully develope feelings for the younger. He never really thought about it but after a while he realized how Jinyoung was his only source of happiness and if he got to work his feelings out, maybe they could form a relationship.

Mark had planned everything, he packed his last stuff into a bag and sneaked out of the prison-like house that he had grown to hate. Not that Jackson would notice that he left anyways, he could tell by the noices from his room that the younger was quite busy tonight.

Mark walked and walked for what felt like forever, until he finally came to what he called his real home. He put his keys into the lock and made his way into their apartment. He put down his bag and started looking around for Jinyoung, without result.

After ten minutes he had searched through the small apartment, every little corner without finding the younger.

'Maybe he is just out?' Mark thought but then he saw a note on the table, giving him some kind of déjà vu , he rushed over there and quickly grabbed the note.

'To Mark.

When you're reading this, i'll probably be gone.

Did you escape from Jackson? I hope you did, all i want is for you to be okay. And i realized that it won't get any better with me being here and interfering anymore.

You deserve someone better than him but even though i wish that i was the one, i don't deserve someone like you. And i know that you don't even like me.

But please don't blame yourself, this was my fate after all. Some people were meant to be alone, some people were meant to be broken and i am one of them it.

It sounds kind of deep, doesn't it? Well it really isn't. It's really bullshit. But it makes sense to me.

I'll always love you hyung, never forget <3

Love, Jinyoungie.


next chapter is the epilouge whoop whoop

next chapter is the epilouge whoop whoop

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