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Mark was having a breakdown, not only because of his heartbreak but also because of the fact that he didn't trust his bestfriend when he told the truth all this time, he was regretting everything so much.

Jinyoung was still not home and it was now 1 am, but just when he thought about that, the younger stepped into the apartment.

"Jinyoungie" Mark sobbed and ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"M-mark hyung, you're not mad?"

"Ofcourse not, why would i be? I'm so sorry for not believing you!" Mark cried into Jinyoung's shoulder.

"It's okay hyung" Jinyoung said and rubbed circles on Marks back. "I actually have something that i want to tell you..it's not the best time but i can't wait anymore.."

Mark just kept hugging the younger abd slightly nodded for him to continue.

"I love you"

"I love you too Jinyoungie~"

"No in the love love way" Jinyoung said and Mark pulled away from the hug.

"What? You're in love with me?" Mark asked and Jinyoung looked at the ground, nodding.

"No..no this can't be.." Mark mumbled.

"Hyung i-i'm.."

"Jinyoung, i'm sorry, i don't feel the same way"


a rly short chapter sry, i'll try to make the next longer


- M

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