Chapter 3: God is that you?

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I sprint back home after that confusing and frightful confrontation with the Mexico Pack, I hadn't realized how long it had taken. Answering my moms questions would be taxing, and I have had a stressful day already, so instead of stopping and talking to mamá, I just raced up the stairs yelling, " got a lot of stuff to do mamá, I love you, goodnight!" and she yelled back, " okay hijo, I love you too, good night!"

See I was hoping that having such a stressful day would put me to sleep, no dreams or nightmares, just a blissful quite sleep, but no, none of that for the angelic teenager. After falling asleep in my nice comfy bed, I find myself in searing light. Now I'm sure everyone has their own versions of heaven in their minds, most all are pleasant, but my experience is blinding white light, nothing but white as far as you can see (It's like Virginia), and then there he is, God himself, the Lord and Savior, Heavens ruler. At first I'm dumb founded, then I'm confused, then honored, and I find my self kneeling in front of him head bowed, but he takes hold of my hand and helps me back up and says in a cosmic voice, " no my child, do not kneel before me, stand and face me as an equal, for we are one in power and decision", I stood up and did as he said, for when you are preached to by god, you damn well listen. " Why am I here Lord and Savior, am I dead?" God smiles warmly, " Of course not child, you still have many years to live, you are here so I might explain your peculiar situation." I sigh relief at the statement, " Thank You," He cracks a quirky smile, good to know God has a sense of humor, and continuous to explain, " Child you were chosen by me at a young age to be an angel of, well Me, but you are one of seven," " Six others like me, like the dark angel!" I interrupted. " No child she is not one of us, and yes six others like you, now listen," I nodded my head for him to continue. " You child are the Angel of Light, there are the others scattered around the world, the angels of War, Hope, Life, Time, Nature, and Knowledge." He paused to let that soak in and the continued, " the dark angel you speak of is one of Lucifers fallen, she is the angel of Sloth and there are seven of them as well, the others are Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Anger, and Greed." He stopped again to judge my reaction, which was of horror and question, " Like the seven deadly sins?" I whispered shakily, " why me?" God looked at me sadly and said, " yes child they are the sins, there are few of good faith now a days, and your young mind is still bending, not many would take this blessing in good grace or so easily." God looked up and for the first time I noticed a massive clock made of marble, " I'm sorry Santiago, for our time is at an end, and that I can not explain every aspect of your new life, but know this child. Trust the wolves, destroy the vampires and fight the dark hunters."

With that I'm back in my own bed feeling enlightened but exhausted. I have never been more perplexed in the entirety of my short life, than I was in that morning, especially because it was Sunday mass, which meant it was time for worship, which led to confusion, which led to more confusion. Let's just say my mind was a mess, I couldn't focus on the Fathers benediction at all, the only thing on my mind was God, which I guess is a good thing seeing as we were in his house. " And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven a second time from and..." Father was reciting Genesis 22:15, God Tests Abraham, don't ask me how I know that, I guess being an angel gives you a brain full of Christianity. Finally church ended, and I was able to go home and get sleep before the party, I couldn't just cancel on my friends, so when I got home I fell asleep immediately. This time, thank God that I did not see him during my short rest, I slept peacefully and was well rested by the time it was time to get up and ready for the party.

This was a fancy graduation party, so that means I had to be at least semi-nice looking, I combed my long curly brown hair back, then put on a buttoned dress shirt and a pair of jeans. I looked in the mirror and a browned face with green eyes peered back at me with a devilish grin, I don't look to bad, I thought. After getting ready, I stood out side the bakery waiting for Ian to pull up in his silver BMW. I heard the death metal music before I saw the car, " jeez Ian, It was almost midnight, try not to be so loud, " I mumbled aloud. He pulled up a second later and I hoped in the car, " Hey Ian, Hey Daniela," I yelled over the music." Hey San," they yelled back in unison, " How was your day," Ian said, still screaming over the music, but then seemed to realize that the blaring music was not helping and turned it off. We made small talk until we got to the party, we were right on time. I got out of the car and opened Danielas and opened her door for her, then we walked into the house handing the bouncer our invitations. After that we slowly drifted apart from each other, Ian went to get drinks, Daniela spotted her other friends and raced off to talk to them and I sorta just walked around, I'm not really party material. After Ian came back with drinks, we walked around chatting for awhile, until the "real drinks" came out as Ian put it, as he left to go sample said real drinks. Too many teenagers were getting drunk, and it was becoming a disaster, I saw a couple of seniors singling out a girl. It was Daniela, and she looked like she was trying to pick them away without offending them. I walked up and got in between them and Danny, " hey guys, everything ok." They looked at me with disgust and sneered, " get out of the way shithead!" As they tried to push past me, I grabbed the one wearing a hat by the hand and swung him over my shoulder and on his back, while kicking the other uglier one in the familia jewels. They both slumped over, promptly knocked out from pain, I took hold of Danny's arm and led her outside from any further violence. We stood there in silence for a couple of minutes and the Daniela looked up at me, she's rather short, and said, " thank you so much San." She then fell into my arms and started crying on my shoulder.

I was thinking, oh this is nice, I could get used to this when I heard a cry from inside. I rushed inside after telling Danny to get in Ian's car, to see another angel with dark wings. She wasn't Sloth, no she looked different, she looked prettier, oh and one big difference was she was naked. I had no doubt which of Lucifers angels was before me, The angel of Lust, she had a pulsing place whip in her hands, and was about to bring it down upon a drunken idiot staring at her, her, let's just say lady parts. I raced to make it there in time, I knew I would be to late, but then a huge ripped were wolf stepped in. The whip lashed down on its back and it howled, but you see nothing really hurts were wolves except silver so it turned around and promptly knocked the dark angel through multiple walls and out of the house. By the time she landed, I had gone full angelic warrior and was already half way to her with an angry wolf on my heals. We reached her just as she was getting up, still running full speed I launched into air and swung my sword aiming for the neck. I thought I had successfully ended the crisis when at the last second another dark hunter appeared dressed in pure silver armor, Pride I guessed, and swung a massive broad sword to meet my gladius knocking away from the naked angels neck. Then the were wolf slid under our sword and jumped upon the angel of Lust, tearing apart her wing. The silver armored angel turned to help, but punched its covered gut pushing it back, " no, you are mine, touch not the wolf and face your punishment at the hands of God." I demanded stomping my foot, and then a divine light shone upon me creating a halo above my head, then pointed my sword at him and said, " by the will of God I sentence you to eternal pain in the depths of hell," and then a holy light shot from my sword vaporizing the angel of Pride. I don't have much memory after that, but what I do remember is the angel of Lust flying awkwardly into the sky and a hairy arm grabbing me and taking me into the forest, then I passed out.

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