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Date: 12/31/09

"Your tears dont fall and crash around me." These are my favorite song lyrics. Anywhore. This guy at school. Totes hott. I so want to date him but i know he doesnt like me and ugh what if he already has a girl friend. I mean i dont know. Maybe i should wait for the best.

Time: 4:15

Song: Streetlamp

Drama city i swear. The boy at my school. Doesnt have a girlfriend so yay. and he talked to me in class and asked for my # so i gave it to him like duhh why wouldnt I.

So after school he texted me.



Sorrowful seeker"

"Why'd you write 'sorrowful seeker' "

"Oh thats my signature lol sorry. I can delete it if you want me too."

"No you dont have to, it's okay really."

"Wait, why didnt it show up that time?"

"I deleted it. I didnt want you to think things. Heh sorry."

"Well im already thinking things. Havana, is everything okay??"

"Everything's fine, i gotta go, I'll talk to you soon bye"


Man. This convo felt like it went on forever. I didnt want him to know that i have problems i mean everyone does but the 'normal teen drama shit' you know. Oh well what ever. Hah. Better luck next time huh!

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