Ch. 5 - Almost Like a Chick-flick

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oh my god i am so sorry this took ages!!

i was wasting a lot of my time with family back home in germany so i didn't have much time to write

this chapter doesn't really have much direction but the story is finally getting somewhere so i'm pumped like a motherfricker, stuff pertaining to the actual ship will happen 

i hope the next part won't take a century as well! 

also thank you for the reads! i'm surprised at least one person reads this shit. it means so much and i love you!!


james must have fallen asleep in the computer chair, because he was awoken by eddie coming in the room and shaking him vigorously until he finally did wake up. it definitely wasn't morning anymore. the sun was setting outside and it was starting to get cold.

"james," eddie repeated his name over until james' eyes fluttered open. 


"why the hell are you here?" he cut him off. 

"i came to check on aleks," james said as he pointed at aleks' bed, where he was sleeping. the covers were still soaking wet but eddie probably wouldn't notice. 

"he's asleep you weirdo, why are you even in here still?" eddie had a sour tinge to his words. he must have had a stressful day or something. he moved over to aleks' bed, and was about to wake him up.

"no, let him sleep. he seemed tired when i saw him." 

eddie froze and raised a questioning eyebrow at james.

"okay, i guess." eddie moved away. "why were you sleeping in his room though, man?"

"i don't remember falling asleep, sorry." james said as he raised himself to his feet and smoothed out his hoodie. "i must have been tired as fuck." he mustered a fake smile.

"you know you can stay for some dinner or something, i don't care," eddie shrugged as he started to walk into the other room. "unless you need to get some work done, it's fine by me, homie." 

"alright," james said as eddie started going downstairs. he waited for him to get down the stairs, and sighed a huge sigh of relief.

"god that was close," he whispered under his breath as he walked over to aleks' bed. aleks was curled up in a ball, his hair still looking damp. the sheets were still damp too. he looked like a mess; his face was drained slightly of color and he had bags under his eyes that looked like dark holes. 

james leaned over his friend and put his lips near his ear. 

"aleks, wake up, can you hear me?" he said, a little louder than a whisper.

the smaller creature mumbled and opened his eyes slightly. 

"you awake?" james questioned the obvious. "do you feel okay?" 

it was quiet for a few seconds.

"you... actually waited for me." aleks started. he cleared his throat and tried to prop himself up. "wow, nice..." he winced as he tried to sit up. 

"let me help you," james said as he outstretched his arms to help aleks up. 

"ah, god, that hurts so bad..." aleks whispered as he grinded his teeth in pain. once he was on his feet, he wobbled a little bit, and almost collapsed into james, who steadied his friend with firm hands on his shoulders.

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