King Prat

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Still trying to regain his breath Merlin runs his hands through his hair. He hasn't had any dreams about that place for a while now. Maybe his magic is trying to warn him of something. Shaking his head Merlin glances at the window and sees that it is almost daybreak, might as well go grab King Prat's breakfast, Merlin thinks to himself, maybe I'll actually be on time today. That'll be a first.
After Merlin's dressed in his signature brown jacket, blue shirt and red scarf he walks out of his room to see Gaius still asleep. As quietly as possible, Merlin grabs an apple off the table and goes to get Arthur's breakfast.

Once he has Arthur's food, and after getting slapped on the hand by the chief, Merlin goes to the King's chambers. Glancing at Arthur, a giant smile creeps across Merlin's face as he thinks of an excellent way to wake the king up. Setting the tray down Merlin creeps over to the King and leans down so his mouth is by Arthur's ear.

Getting ready to bolt Merlin shouts in Arthur's ear, "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD. UP 'N AT 'EM ARTHUR!!!"
Bolting away to open the curtains, Arthur jumps a foot out of bed.
"MERLIN!" He shouts at his manservent. Giving Arthur an innocent look, Merlin asks "what?"
Glaring at Merlin Arthur grabs his goblet and flings it at Merlin. Clumbsly, Merlin dodges the cup and stands back up just as Arthur throws a pillow at him. As the pillow falls off you can see an irritated look on Merlin's face.
"Well looks like someone hasn't had his breakfast, yet," Merlin says with sarcasm dripping off every word. Placing his hands on his hips, Merlin marches over to the table to display Arthur's breakfast.
"Idiot,"Arthur mutters while getting out of bed and walking over to the table. "Prat," Merlin answers back going to get the kings outfit out.
"Training or a counsel meeting first, Arthur?" Merlin asks the King going through the closet.
"Training, I'm working with a new set of knights today. And we're going to start working on knife throwing." Arthur tells Merlin. "And since your so awake, Merlin, you can help out," Arthur says with a sinister smile on his face. Groaning Merlin relizes that this means acting as a traing dummy or moving target.



Little Merlin wakes up to relize he's in a throne room. "Well look who's finally up," a booming voice says above Merlin. Looking up Merlin sees a great big man dressed in chainmail, a black shirt, grey pants, a black cape hooked together with a snake wrapped around a tree pendent, and a golden crown adorning the mans head. 'It's King Orin,' Merlin thinks frigtened.
Leaning down so that he is eye level with Merlin, the king says "Normally I don't put little boys into the black assassins group, but with your little show back in Eldor, I think you might just be the exception." Standing back up, King Orin looks at the guard standing by the door. "Take the boy down to the Black Assassins dorms and put him in group 32A," the king tells the guard. "Oh and make sure the magic cuffs on his wrists don't come off," Orin adds. The guard nodds and grabs Merlin under the arm and pulls the boy towards the door.

Once they reach the dorm of 32A the guard shoves Merlin in without second thought. Standing up Merlin glances around the dark room. There's two sets of bunk beds and two chests in front of each bed. On three of the four beds there are boys about two or three years older than Merlin. The boy closest to him on the bottom bunk has blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. The boy looks like he's seen more than a kid of his age should've. He has on a simple red shirt and brown shorts that reach his knees. He also has a set of brown boots siting next to the bed.
The boy above him has dark brown hair and hazel eyes full of mischief. He has on a blue shirt and black pants that are tucked into a pair of matching black leather boots. He glances up at Merlin but goes back to cleaning the sword in his hand, the sword looks like it took a swim in a pool of mud.
The last boy has long bleach white hair and toxic neon eyes. (A/N think Danny Phantom) He has on a grey shirt with black pants. He looks overly protective of everyone else as, he glance over each boy like he's trying to see which boy Merlin is going to attack.

But surprising all the boys, after Merlin glances at each boy he breacks down into hysterics. Crying for his lost mother, for Eldor, and for not knowing what has happened to his best friend Will. Once the boy with the brown hair sees this, he hops of the bed and starts to walk towards Merlin.
"Hey, its ok, kid. It's going to be just fine," He says sitting down next to Merlin. Wrapping an arm around the sobbing boy, the kid says," Look its going to be fine. I'm Jake, that werido sitting right there is Conner, and the protective one over yonder, is Danny. We're not goimg to hurt you, ok. So what's your name?" Jake asks looking at Merlin.
"Well Merlin looks like your stuck with us for a while, dollopehead," Jake says with a smile trying to brighten tge mood. Merlin lifts his head off his knees and smiles back at Jake. 'Maybe this won't be so bad' Merlin thinks to himself.

End flashback

"-rlin, Merlin!" Arthur shouts at said boy. Shaking his headfree of the painful memories, Merlin looks up at Arthur from sharpening a sword. "What Arthur?" Merlin asks.
"I want you to show the knights how not to throw a knife." Arthur tells Merlin. He throws a knife at Merlin expecting it to just fall to the ground, not for Merlin's hand to shoot out and catch the knife. Relizing his mistake he quickly drips the knife on his foot. The blunt side hits his foot, but Merlin quickly grabs his foot and starts to jump around on one foot while holding the other.
Arthur giving Merlin a really look tells him to go see Gaius, to make sure he didn't chop off a toe. Nodding Merlin starts off towards the court physician's room. But once he was out of sight from the training fields Merlin starts walking in his foot like nothing happened.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't know when I might get another chapter up it might be today it might be tomarrow. Depends on how bored I am. Oh and once my thanksgiving break is over i should have one chapter posted per week if I decide to continue. Yeah so Ciao!!!😄😄😛😛

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