The Cutie in PE

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Mathias pov

The break ended and back to school it was, not that i really minded, I mean I get to hang out with Lukas a lot more.

'He's so cute; just look at him sitting the doing his science work peacefully, the way his hair covers part of his face and he has to hold it out of the way-'

"Are you staring at me for any particular reason?" Lukas interrupted my thoughts without even looking up from his work.

", I uh...oops" my words were all jumbled.

'why is this happening to me?' even my thoughts questioned my all of a sudden behavior.

The bell rang to break the awkwardness and we set off to PE, yet another class we shared.

Lukas pov

I walked quietly beside Mathias as he rambled on about a fox or something, he was so hot. We walked in to the changing room and I went to my corner that i had claimed on the first day. I got dressed then quickly peaked over to see if Mathias was in his gym clothes yet, he wasn't. He was standing there shirtless in nothing but his boxers. I couldn't look away no matter how hard I tried, with his toned chest and strong arms, how could I. After about 30 seconds I saw Mathias look up and I quickly looked down avoiding eye contact so he wouldn't think I was staring at him.

"What? Am I hot Norge?" Mathias joked smirking at me.


"No" I replied a light blush dusting my cheeks.

Class had started of with a 10 minute run and then we were told to find a partner so we could complete the next activity: partnered exercises. Of course Mathias set his eyes on me, wandering over in my direction, poking my shoulder and smiling like it was his way of asking to partner up.

Mathias's pov

I was holding down Lukas's feet as he did as many sit ups as he could manage, he was currently at 60 and didn't look like he was quitting anytime soon.

"76, 77, 78, 79, 80" he counted; at 80 he layed down on the floor, breathing heavily.

"You're done?" I questioned, chuckling lightly.

"I could do more but don't want" he said sitting up.

I stood up, reaching out my hand in an offer to help him up. He placed his soft, small hand in mine and I hauled him up off the floor. He was fairly light, so pulling him up was easy.

The bell rang and the students filed out of the gym, I followed behind Lukas as we headed to his locker.

"So do you want to come over for dinner tonight?" I asked oh so awkwardly.

Lukas dug through his locker, "yeah, sure" he said to my surprise.

"Alright!" I cheered, laughing as the shorter blonde beside me rolled his eyes smiling lightly.

Lukas's pov

The final bell rang after what felt like an eternity, I shuffled to my locker grabbing my bag then heading for the door.

'he invited me over for dinner!' I blushed, looking down at my feet as I walked down the narrow path to my house.

The house came into view and I hurried up the steps and inside, kicking off my shoes, and going to my bedroom. I closed my door and say down on the edge of my bed laying back before grabbing one of my many pillows and hugging it. A huge smile plastered my face that just wouldn't go away, it couldn't, I was to happy for it to possibly fade.

*****************************Ooooh dinner date!
hey guys and gals, I'm back! I know... I'm horrible at updating, I'm really trying though so please don't give up on me!
~till next time~

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